
Saturday, March 05, 2011

[Media Pix]Kim Hyung Jun Showcase in Seoul 02.05.11

First let me thank ying_ck for putting all media pix from the showcase of Hyung Jun that happened earlier at 1PM on Mediafire. Thanks as well to iamsom for re-tweeting.

I am sure you all know by now (as I am late in posting as I just got home) that Jung Min graced the showcase. Hyung Jun's younger bro Ki Bum and the brothers mom were seated together with the fans to give support. Read that the showcase lasted for 1 1/2 hours. I was not home during the showcase and I was not up to date as what happened. I'll now go and look around to get more news to share.

There are more than 100 photos from the media. I won't be posting all but at the end of this post you will find a link below for you to download courtesy of ying_ck.

You may click HERE to download all 109 pix.


  1. Anonymous4:13 PM

    The showcase looks like it was a success. Hopefully we'll be flooded with pics and fancams. Really looking forward to hearing Hyung Jun's album. I know it'll be great.

    Love seeing his family in the audience. It's really sweet how close they are. I had a feeling Jung Min would be at the showcase. Tom and Jerry have such an amazing friendship. :)

  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    amazing friendship indeed. i'm beginning to love jungmin more and more *hearts*. happy that baby had a successful showcase, more success to come!!

  3. Anonymous4:30 PM

    @anon 4:13

    I agree, the have amazing friendship, they like siblings.

    It was starting from Baby who visited JungMin in his MV making "Not Alone" on 16th November 2010.

    He brought food and pizza for Jung Min, and since that they start to support each other.

  4. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Wooooow Tom & Jerry couple!!!!!! I love them!^^ Thought jung min wouldnt be able to make it since his schedule is so packed but he DID!!:D
    Glad to see hyung jun's family coming to support him too!^^ Seems the showcase went well!:D

  5. Anonymous9:21 PM

    i L.O.V.E SS501!!!! the bond that never fail to amaze me!! goodluck HJB!!! MANSAE SS501!!!

  6. white1:17 AM

    jjun's so hot when he dances! *0*
    but when he's with min, he's all smiles and changes back to our baby magnae!
    SO CUTE~~ ^ ^
    can't stop looking at the photos of these 2 brothers together ;)
    indescribable happiness! hehe

  7. Anonymous8:34 AM

    these 2 are blessed to have each other as friends :)

    i dont want to start a word war here in liezle's blog but i wish, my opinion only, that the other members could be like these 2 - who just brings out a smile in all of us when they get together like this in just brings out a sense of warmth and trust that they always have each other:)

    but knowing those 3 hyungs, hmmm they dont wanna be obvious, they show their love for each other in their own way:)

    thanks for this article thats made me smile

    SS501 5 FOREVER AS 1

  8. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Jumin always knows how to make a show for himself, other members should learn it from him!!!
