
Sunday, March 27, 2011

[Pix] Hyung Jun's Fan Signing @ Incheon 03.27.11

It seems that Hyung Jun doesn't rest. Every weekend since he started promoting his 1st solo album 'My Girl' he has fan signing event. Like, yesterday he had one and today he had one more and this time at Incheon.

Here are some nicely taken photos DUCKHOOO~* which 두리둥실 shared on SS601.


  1. Anonymous1:59 AM

    he looks so fresh..hyungjun fighting! stay strong nd healthy..
    triples s will support always!

  2. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Pretty and cute hehe >//< Baby keep on going, dont ever give up...

  3. Anonymous5:16 AM

    anon@1:59 I agree. He's looking so much better now. I'm so glad. Hyung Jun seems more comfortable and energetic again. I hope he can stay this way.
