
Monday, March 28, 2011

Pix Spazzz : Hyung Jun @ 2011 Seoul Fashio Week from Prettyboy

Photos taken by fan club's shutterbug are always the best. Just take a look at these photos taken by the shutterbug of Prettyboy at SETEC were Hyung Jun together with brother KiBum attended tonight's 2011 Seoul Fashion Week which featured Song Zio.

Don't you just love the complexion of the Kim brothers? Wish I have that kind of flawless skin.


  1. Anonymous2:55 AM

    I wonder if he can see well since he's wearing his shades during the show... kkkk.

  2. Anonymous3:55 AM

    I am Hyung Jun fan, and to be honest, he looks like a lady in this pic! Hahah but still handsome, gorgeous, cute and pretty.. dunno how to describe him.. hahahhaa
