
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

[Trans] BYJ & KHJ Support GACKT's Campaign

When the earthquake and tsunami struck Japan last week I worry about the welfare of friends living in Japan. I emailed them and happy to know that all of them are well. One of them is Lafone. I am sure you know her from my blog. Though there are still some danger, Lafone and my other friends are doing their best to cope up and live their daily life. Everyone in Japan and other countries are putting their hands together to help in anyway they can be it monetary or spiritually. With every help regardless how big or small it is, you've shown your heart.

Today, I was informed by Lafone that GACKT through this site has big proposal/campaign with the title 'Show Your Heart' . As you will recall GACKT participated in Message to Asia in December which Yong Joon and Hyun Joong were also a part of.

On the website of 'Show Your Heart' GACKT said that Japanese have to help each other and start from what they can do now. With this many celebrities expressed full support to his campaign including Korean stars such as Bae Yong Joon and Kim Hyun Joong.

In the message board which you can see HERE, messages of Yong Joon and Hyun Joong were posted. Below is the translation of their message as translated by Lafone.

Message of Bae Yong Joon and Kim Hyun Joong on 'Show Your Heart' Campaign

Japanese to English translation by Lafone /

Bae Yong Joon (Actor)

At the news of Japan’s big earthquake, I am very much concerned about people’s safety struck by the disaster.

I would like to fully agree with a meaningful proposal made by GACKT with whom, we had a a charity event “ Message to Asia “in December.

I assume that the people living in the disaster area are now suffering under the unimaginable situation. I hope that our heart will arrive at all of you and will be of some help for you.

I sincerely hope that all of you will be back to a life you can spend in peace as soon as possible.


Kim Hyun Joong (Singer)

At the news of the earthquake, I am struck by surprise and much concerned about the situation. While I am looking for what I can do, I came to know about GACKT ssi’s great proposal. I would like to express my full agreement with him

I believe that even a small force of one person, we can be big together and support the people under the disaster



  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    let's show our heart this time like this lol !!! BYJ / KHJ

  2. lafone9:24 PM

    Dear liezle,

    Thank you for uploading this topic in your blog. Though Leader's Playful Kiss fan meeting was cancelled due to the earthquake, the majority of the fans decided to donate the money they get as refund of the event cancellation to this project and others as " From Kim Hyun Joong's fan ". We are proud of Hyun Joong who took initiative to announce his donation at first and would like to respect his idea.

  3. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Kim Hyun Joong, fans are proud of you.
    You are an angel.

  4. Anonymous10:53 PM

    leader's fans are following his lead as well... proud of hyun joong and his fans! let's show our hearts together!

  5. Hi Lafone. Thanks for that info. I'm pretty sure Hyun Joong will be happy to know that fans thought of donating the money to help their countrymen.


  6. Anonymous12:29 AM

    @Liezle, thanks for the post! Btw, sorry, but I noticed that for the labels liezle, u put Kim Hyung Joon not Kim Hyun Joong. No offence meant... Very glad to know that the fans are as generous/charitable as their/our beloved KHJ! KHJ Hwaiting! KHJ's fans Hwaiting!

  7. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Dear Lafone,

    amm.. I am an oversea fan and purchased the ticket through auction site. I got 2 tickets with me now. At first, I gave up the refund already. If this can be donation, Just would like to check if you know where I can send the ticket so that the refund can be donated?

  8. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Pray for Japanese.
    Love Hyun Joong.

  9. lafone1:59 PM

    Dear anonymous,

    Sorry for the delay in reply.
    They way of refund depends on how they were initially bought, KHJ's mobile ? Pia (ticket agency)'s website ? In the second case, it also depends on the settlement, at convenience store? or by credit card? It's so complecated. The tickets bought by KHJ mobile site should be sent to the ticketing center for refund. Howe did you get by auction, overseas site? or Yahoo Japan's auction site ?

    If you can read Japanese Kanji in the left side of the ticket, it means the tickets were bought via KHJ mobile website.

    There another 13 days for refund.

    Is it possible for you to verify the route of tickeing ?

    Thank you.

  10. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Oh let me back home and scan the ticket, If I recall correctly, one was from convenience store and one is pia outlet though I cannot be sure.

    May I send back to the organizer so that they can do the donation? if not, I have no choice but forget it then...

    Thanks and sorry for troubling you...

    I hope you are fine and praying the situation will be better soon in Japan.

  11. lafone4:19 PM

    Dear Anonymous,

    I wrote your situation in KHJ's official FC, asking their support to cope with this special case. Also I sent a questionaire to DATV whether Smile project team can accept your ticket and take care of refund and donation on your behalf. As Pia, the ticketing agency is so bureaucratic, rejecting to take care of refund/donation at their side.

    Upon receipt of an answer, I will let you know here or via liezle.

    Could you kindly send your scanned ticket to liezle?

    Thank you.

    PS So far, I'm fine though there is much concern about the Nuclear Power Plant situation.

  12. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Thanks, I will send to Liezle once I scanned the ticket later the day.

    Again, thanks very much for your help and great to hear you are fine.

  13. lafone9:27 PM

    Dear Anonymous,

    I've got a reply from KHJ's HP management agency, Digital Adventure that they are negotiating to postpone the dead line of refund from Mar. 31 - till sometime of April. But after discussion of the ticket agency, they think that it is not feasible to take care of refund/donation. So the procedures for refund/donaiton should be made on individual basis. If you can trust me, I will take care of it. Please get in touch with liezle for my mail address.

    Best regards,

  14. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Yeah, I trust you. I have sent the scan to liezle yesterday and will check with her for your e-mail address.

    I am so sorry for troubling you and much appreciate for your assistance.

    thanks : )

  15. lafone1:42 PM

    Dear anonymous,

    Thank you! Then I'll get in touch with her. I will send you a copy of evidence via mail.

    Have a nice weekend.

