
Thursday, March 31, 2011

[Trans] Kim Hyung Jun Interview with TV Report

Another MUST read article about Kim Hyung Jun. Much thanks once again to Ode for translating this one and sharing on her blog.

Honestly, Hyung Jun is an awe-inspiring person. As he matures, his insights are becoming more deeper. Do check this article from TVReport to find out what I am talking about.


[Trans] Kim Hyung Jun Interview with TV Report
English translation courtesy of Ode /

Please re-post with full credit.

SS501 Kim Hyungjun has overcomed the past 1 year's ordeal period and has made his solo comeback recently. After undertaking an ordeal, he's now returned even more earnest - as a singer, and, as a person.

As he met up with the journalist recently, "I stepped into this singer industry since I was young and so most of the matters in daily life had to be settled by my manager, but soon I thought if I would become a person growing in the greenhouse*, and I find that so scary... I came to my senses and bucked up", as Kim Hyungjun revealed.

*According to Ode : To be growing in a greenhouse means something like the 'Strawberry Generation', of teens born in the early-1980s, to be always depending on others for their survival and knows nothing but stretch hands for money and food. Thanks Ode!

"Not long ago I heard talks about some-some-some people not even able to make their own passports by themselves... At that time I heard about it, my heart ached. Most of my matters were settled at the company in fact, so at that time I heard, it dawned on me about the fact that I'm guilty for that", "I re-question myself about what kind of person am I. After realizing, I then completely came to my senses" (ie; dawned upon him and he realized), as he continued to further elaborate.

Not long ago, he started a character business with his younger brother Kim Kibum and achieved success in no time. To this Kim Hyungjun has a piece to say, "As far as I know and am able to do, that is, and people around me have been giving their acknowledgement on that as well. Things that I could do by myself - I now work hard to do it by myself. I dislike to become a person who grows in the greenhouse", as Hyungjun added.

SS501 members have since moved into different agencies respectively and group activities are temporarily stopped for the time being. But to Kim Hyungjun, this is actually a chance for him to be able to leap and sprint into a higher level as a singer and as a person. "My heart aches, but though tough, now that I have more responsibility with me on my shoulders, resolution and determination skills have also sharpened", as he reviewed looking back on his past 1 year.

Before he could get to relax further in the already stabilized reality as a part of SS501, the chance for him to stand alone came; and that is one gleam of light that he's been looking for. As he overcomes the ordeal in the process, his first solo album 'My Girl' was thus also released. It's a piece of work that was prepared with the thought "Do what I want" in mind.

"Rather than staying sad over it only, might as well do your best in the given situation. I worked hard for that and tried hard to show my bright profile. When people see my smiling face, I don't know if they'll exclaim like 'that lad seems to be doing better solo huh'. but even if it'll be for the goodwill of other members, I do think it's more preferred if I smile throughout instead".

He may be smiling all time, but Kim Hyungjun treats himself hard-headedly. As he talks about his ending piece of product, he says "it'll be great if people could take a look to my name characters - Kim.Hyung.Jun", as he made that modest statement. On a more extreme note, he divulged his personal wish, which is to break out of that title as 'an idol', and turn into 'an artiste' named Kim Hyung Jun.

At this moment, it's about Kim Hyungjun making his first step forward - only.


  1. Anonymous8:40 PM

    thanks for sharing, ode & liezle. i agree, this is a must-read. the more i read of Hyung Jun, the more i admire him. ^_^

  2. Anonymous11:34 PM

    hyungjun's interviews these days r so heartwarming..u can truly see how much he has matured.
    thanks for sharing

  3. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Loving all these interviews that are coming out. They really show that behind his cheerful easygoing personality is someone who takes things seriously and has many deep thoughts.

  4. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I agree with all comments above! HyungJun inside and out of his appearance is different, he may appear cheerful and kiddie but he hides so many things inside his heart and thinks about everything very deeply, the older he gets, the wiser he will be...
