
Sunday, March 20, 2011

[Vid] Kim Hyung Jun @ Vivid Informed Star Life Theater 110318

Thanks Marvie for sharing this video here.

I like watching this kind of video where in we get to see how an idol prepare before a big event. Hyung Jun seems to be working so hard. He looks tired and kinda lonely. Well probably it's different when they're all together, like though tired they still get to play and have fun.

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Credit : Pretty Boy


  1. Anonymous3:50 PM

    why do I cry when watching this video? =(

  2. Anonymous8:22 PM

    This was a hard video to watch. I really felt bad for Hyung Jun when he was trying not to cry after reading negative comments about himself. He works so hard to be recognized that as a fan I feel frustrated on his behalf when people underestimate him. But I believe in Hyung Jun. His hardwork will pay off and one day he will get the success and recognition he deserves.

  3. hi 8:22. i watched the vid again and it breaks my heart seeing him almost breaking down. like you, i believe in him too. he's such a talented lad. i hope he'll negative remarks won't affect him. he must have the confidence and believe in himself.


  4. Anonymous9:38 PM

    when i watched this yesterday..i felt so sad when he looked so upset after all the effort he had been putting in..i really want to know what he read exactly..wish someone wuld translate..hyungjun fighting!!
    thanks for sharing

  5. Anonymous9:04 PM

    he looked really tired with makeup. but without makeup it was even worse. it really pains my heart to see him like that:( i hope he will take care of his health more. and it must have been so demoralising to read those negative remarks after all his hard work. hope he wun be affected badly and just continue doing what he love to do and sing...
