
Friday, March 18, 2011

[Vid] Park Jung Min vs Kim Hyung Jun @ Mnet Wide Entertainment News 110318

When members of SS501 decided to go on solo being compared to one another is bound to happen. Media and fans will certainly see it as rivalry amongst them. It cannot be denied but it's going to be a healthy competition.

In the interview of Hyung Jun and I am sure you guys have noticed, so far they really seem to work on schedule that won't clash with one other. Which is so fine, right? Because with this it seems that we are getting a treat from all them almost every month which we haven't gotten when they were together.

Here's one news that talks about the 'rivalry' that's going on between Jung Min who released a solo album first 'Not Alone' and Hyung Jun who just recently released his solo album' My Girl'. Much thanks to Marvie for sharing the vid here and to happyjihwanlove@youtube for uploading in YT.

Credit : happyjihwanlove@youtube


  1. Anonymous5:40 AM

    though i couldnt understand mostly what was being said here in this vid, i thank you for sharing ^^

    The 2 idols who are under the same group have gone solo and are being compared and seen as who won? i hope someone kind can translate this vid, please

    i also hope that with this video, there wont be a word war... please let's not...unity, acceptance and understanding should prevail

    = i love the parts where the whole group were shown and their closeness to die for!!!!!

    when, oh! when will we see the 5 together again?

  2. sinthia8:20 AM

    ownnn... I became nostalgic seeing they together... I wanna see their come back as ss501 right now!I really miss them!

    I don't know what they said, but I don't like when they make a comparison between members, all of them have different skills, and they are great. I really can't choose between none, I loved both albums and I think both are amazing. I'm very happy due to the fact HJ had confidence to release an album with the style he likes, I think the whole CD has his style and it's awesome, he did just what I expected. The only thing I'm unhappy is because it's not a full album, it'd be even better. ^^

  3. Anonymous9:40 AM

    It was bound to happen that the media would start comparing the members. At least we know that the members are not really competing against each other but instead giving encouragement and support to each other on their solo activities.

    anon@8:20 I also was disappointed that HJB didn't come out with a full album. Thankfully he's stated that he will be releasing another album this year. This is probably the best strategy for him. First album gets people's attention. Lets them know who he is and shows the quality of music he will be bringing. The second album then can build off this and do even better.

  4. Anonymous12:45 PM

    i really miss them!!~ the vid bring back so many memories.. GOODLUCK to both members~~
    btw..the i understand the vid..

    1st Round is on their Personality :JM Sexy Charisma & KHJ Aegyo and Greed
    2nd round is on their
    Music :JM Orchestra-ish & HJB Pop
    3rd Round is on their
    4th round is on their

    for me all of the members are number one!!
