
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

[Vid & Trans] Hyun Joong Talks About Yong Joon

I am pushing this up.

This post was scheduled to be posted at 5AM yesterday, but apparently, i made a major mistake on the date. I typed 3/30/11 instead of 3/29/11. @_@ Anyway, as it is I am shoving this up.

Much thanks to veggiedelight for sending me the link to YT channel and to happiebb for tweeting the translation posted on LoveKHJ forum.

Hyun Joongs laugh at the end of the video is so cute. Miss hearing that.


Hyun Joong Talks About Yong Joon
Vid courtesy of
English translation courtesy of miyo & TheAlienPrince

The Yonsama that I met *words in bold*

*Female Narration*
Participating in the 24 Hour Television last year
Also making an appearance in the drama 「Dream High」produced by Bae Yong Joon
Even Bae Yong Joon has expectations for this next generation Hallyu star, Kim Hyun Joong
What kind of person is the Yonsama that you have met?

Hello, this is Kim Hyun Joong *in Japanese*

Bae Yong Joon Sunbae gives everyone the impression that he is a very perfect, secretive person right?

But he is actually a very humanely and humorous person.

Saying interesting things that makes one slipped… *laughs*

Anyway he is very sincere
Taking care of me like I’m his younger brother

As what everyone has feel about
him as someone who do not reveal his mysterious, personal side,

When you meet him you will understand about him full of humaneness

And feel his friendliness

The most surprising is his radical self management part
And I also feel that he is an impressive person for his passion towards his work

My wish is…
Though fans probably would not want it but
to marry a wonderful woman. *laughs*


  1. Wonderful! I am glad that they have a good relationship like brothers. Thanks to Bae Yong Jun Nim for taking care of Hyun Joong Ssi and being a role model for him. Hyun Joong Ssi, take the opportunity to learn from Master Bae, for there are many others who look up to you as a role model too. You have the responsibility to impart that knowledge to them - a gift to better understanding and pursuit of happiness.

  2. Anonymous8:40 AM

    TheAlienPrice has put the Eng Sub in the video.

  3. Anonymous9:25 AM

    In the article translation, when he mention his wish, I'm confused. Did he mean it's his wish to marry a wonderful wife or is it, his wish for Yong Joon to marry a wonderful wife? The reason I ask because the title is about Hyun Joong talking about Yoon Joon but I was kinda confused when I read this part?

  4. Anonymous9:28 AM

    ahhh nvermind I just watched the youtube video clip that was above my comment. :D

    hehehe. :D
