
Sunday, April 03, 2011

04.03.11 S/Tweet Treats

It's Jung Min's birthday today and he was already greeted by Kyu Jong and Young Saeng on Twitter. Hyung Jun's younger bro, KiBum also sent his greeting via Twitter. ^^ Do check their greetings below from the translation of xiaochu posted on Quainte501. Thanks!


[Trans] 04.03.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credits please

2011-04-03 @ 12:36am
2kjdream @JungMin0403 Mal Mal Mal happy happy happy birthday !! Jjang* congratssssss!!! ^^
*Jjang is like a slang for 'most', 'best'

2011-04-03 @ 12:38pm
movejm @2kjdream What are you doing for a living?? Let's go eat NaengSam someday kekeke

2011-04-03 @ 12:39am
90KKB KiBum Beulbi wheel was changed~! Boss Kim HyungJun who sponsored it I love you <3

2011-04-03 @ 12:40pm
Young2802 @movejm @2kjdream me too keke

2011-04-03 @ 12:42am
movejm @Young2802 @2kjdream heeheehee Wow~ That's good kekeke Anyway we can just meet now kekeke

2011-04-03 @ 12:43am
Young2802 @movejm @2kjdream Which is why.. I only see HyungJun and havent seen the rest for a million years..

2011-04-03 @ 12:47am
90KKB @JungMin0403 JungMin hyung, happy birthday~!~!~! Though you didn't follow me back, though you didn't though you didn't...Euhunghung though you didn't..congratulations T T b Even though you didnt follow me back.. T T

2011-04-03 @ 2:09am
mystyle1103 @woongcha1 @jjjjjin2yo ChaWoong hyung suddenly said 'indeed~ke' I asked what could that be?..He said he's replying to a message that was sent 2 days ago... Ayt!! oink oink!!!kekekekekeke
*there's a convo between @woongcha1 & @jjjjjin2yo, irrelevant, so I'm not going to translate.. YoungSaeng is replying to them on @woongcha1 last tweet that says 'indeed~ke'

2011-04-03 @ 2:23am
mystyle1103 Today is Park JungMin's birthday!! Woah~~~~~~Happy Birthday....^^

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