
Tuesday, April 05, 2011

04.04.11 S/Tweet Trans

Tweets from B2M last night made me more anticipate Young Saeng's upcoming album. Read B2M and Mgr HyeongJin's tweet about the album.

Much thanks to xiaochu for the translation on Quainte501.


[Trans] 04.04.11 S/Tweet Trans
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credits please.

2011-04-04 @ 10:19 PM
b2ment Additional (album) jacket shoots~~~~nervous heehee. Can't see well because they are too far away T T. It is a secret for security reasons. It will be released very soon. Please look forward to it

2011-04-04 @ 10:43 PM
b2ment This is YoungSaeng's filming scene sketch. We will keep it mysterious until its first broadcast heehee Will be able to meet you very soon now!!!!!!!

2011-04-04 @ 11:11 PM
hyeongjin2 YoungSaeng's additional (album) jacket shoots were uploaded at our company's twitter~~~~ People were.... asking questions and asking why there is additional shoots...tsk tsk I had already uploaded the photos and the concept of this album over in YoungSaeng's homepage heehee Please join. Faster!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. sinthia1:28 PM

    Uuuh, I wonder how it'll be... I'm really looking forward his solo debut, I hope Saeng bring us a new side of him. I'd love his album was a full album... well lets wait and see. ^^
    Thanks for upload this!
