
Friday, April 15, 2011

04.15.11 S/Tweet Treats

Hmm... wonder what is making Young Saeng depressed. Could it be that he's nervous for his upcoming solo debut?

Looks like today Hyung Jun had a rest day from the tweet of KiBum. Hope he had enough rest.

Much thanks to xiaochu for the translation of today's tweet over at Quainte501.


[Trans] 04.15.11 S/Tweet Treats

Korean to English Translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credits please.

2011-04-15 @ 2:56 AM
90KKB Representative Jun is currently resting from his outrageous schedule ke

2011-04-15 @ 5:08 AM
mystyle1103 @Sj861117sj I also drank beer alone kekekeke depressed~~

2011-04-15 @ 3:02 PM
Sj861117sj @mystyle1103 Let's meet soon!!

2011-04-15 @ 3:39 PM
mjjoo0326 @woongcha1 @mastadoo @2kjdream It's a long time since we met, I miss you~~~

2011-04-15 @ 8:00 PM
b2ment Registration for Heo YoungSaeng FAN STAFF has ended/Completed 1st round of evaluation for capital region! Please confirm the details as posted in official announcement page in YoungSaeng's official homepage.

2011-04-15 @ 10:06 PM
mystyle1103 @woongcha1 ah....- -
*In reply to =woongcha1= (2011-04-15 @ 6:01 PM)
Wah~~ Saved all my numbers~~~~~

2011-04-15 @ 11:26 PM
woongcha1 @mystyle1103 Wasted~?keke

1 comment:

  1. Chara1:36 AM

    Hm, I wonder too, why YS is depressed...
    Actually don't think because of nervousness. I have a guess... hm...

    Ah, guy, please cheer up soon! Still love ya!
