
Thursday, April 14, 2011

[Fan Vid] Leaving SBS After MuHigh 04.14.11

Thanks to Pluto of Hyuniversal0606 for sharing this video she took at the parking of SBS when Hyung Jun, Kyu Jong and Jung Min left the studion after MuHigh.

After seeing the vid and seeing them leaving the venue using different service car the feeling is quite different. Probably because I was so used seeing them all together going inside the van. But then again, even they will not roll down the window, this time all of them had their window roll down to greet fans who waited for them patiently. Nice one!


  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    aw that's sweet. ^^ this way, they each get a window to wave from, it's like a parade. ^^
    thx for sharing!

  2. slimz180810:29 AM

    @ 10:23 .. I like ur positive view up there =D

  3. Anonymous10:38 AM

    just curious though, how come music high announced on their webby that ys was going to be there with jungmin but still ended up with kyu jong instead?

    not that i'm complaining, just got confused there...

  4. Anonymous11:00 AM

    anon@10:38 Music High initially made a mistake in listing who was coming but they corrected it soon afterwards. It was always supposed to be Kyu Jong and Jung Min.

    Liezle, I get what you mean by a there being a different feeling when they leave in seperate cars but like the first comment says now they can each interact with fans more. The fans are so lucky to be able to see each member give their great fanservice. I wonder if they went out somewhere to continue the celebration. :)

  5. I can only guess the first one is Jung Min, because of his van's look and the way he always occupies the front seat [even when he's on his own now, lol, old habbits are diehard] while waving cheerfully to fans lol. What about the next two, can anybody tell me who's HJ and who's KJ ? @-)

  6. Anonymous12:04 PM

    thanks anon@11:00 for clearing that up...

    ys did tweet his 'congratulations' just a few minutes before music high though... he was probably waiting for the show to start... i bet he enjoyed seeing his 3 brothers have fun the most than anyone else...

  7. Anonymous12:41 PM

    i thought it was HJB, then JM, and KJ. because when the 1st van passed, a fan shouted "congrats!" (for MH's 2nd bday), and then someone said "Kyu Jong" for the last van. (hard to see, but it looks like JM's happy waving in the 2nd van ^^)
    correct me if i'm wrong.

  8. Chrystal12:50 PM

    OMO! Thanks Liezle for sharing Pluto's vid on your blog!! AWWW!! The boys are so nice to have vans leaving one after another and rolling down window n waving to fans.. Am sure they will have celebration after.. cos the vans are like one by one lined up.. maybe they following the first van.. haha. I also thought 1st black van was HJB (as his van is black), second was Jungminnie and third was kyu..keke

  9. Anonymous7:36 PM

    cool i wish i was there..i like the comment at the's like they r passing in a parade..really really miss them..they r so nice to the fans!

  10. Yeah yeah...

    The black van was HJB 'cos the person waving to the fans had his hair combed up..

    Jung Min's van is the big white van(2nd), I recognize his van..

    And the last one shld be KyuJong...

  11. Anonymous5:37 AM

    right on liezle, gone are the days when all 5 would use just 1 van, now they all have their own... kekeke - which means they are all big stars now:) i just love how SS501 brag their love, loyalty and dedication to each other :)

    SS501 5 forever as 1

  12. Anonymous11:54 AM

    i miss them so much i hope they comeback soon")
