
Monday, April 04, 2011

More pix from PJM's Birthday Party w/ Fans 04.03.11

More photos taken by fans are coming out. I am combining in this post photos taken by the shutterbugs of ATTRACTION and Pheromin taken from their respective website and sent by veggiedelight.


Pix from Pheromin

Before I end this post, let me share with you this video which I lifted from the post of 아이러브현 on SS601 when Jung Min left the venue.

From the video you could see fans waiting for Jung Min as he approach his van. Securities in black suit are all over him while female securities were trying keep fans from mobbing him. As Jung Min was inside the van, he greeted the fans using a bullhorn or what you also call a loudhailer. ^^ Then rolled the window down. Fans started to scamper and scream as they heard him making the security stop fans from running after the van. ^_^

Jung Min is so funny and cute to do that, right? Check the video below.

If you can watch the video above, you may click HERE.


  1. Anonymous1:14 AM

    lol JM & his sense of humor.
    fan service at its best.

  2. Anonymous11:17 AM

    here's a YT version if you can't watch Daum:

    it's a bit scary for both JM and the fans, for the girls to be rushing forward and chasing the van, but at least we know Triple S are pretty well-behaved and SS501 reward that. ^^

    i love how JM always, always keeps waving, smiling, greeting, from the moment he appears, right until fans are no longer able to see or hear him. it goes above and beyond normal fanservice, that's caring and dedication to make the waiting fans as happy as possible, and he never fails to. that's our Jung Min. ^_^
