
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Notice from KeyEast 04.12.11

Honestly, fans can really be scary at times especially those stalkers. Hope that we would still keep in mind that the person/s we idolize are also human and need some privacy.

Much thanks to Ode for taking the time to translate this and share on her blog. I hope fans not only read this but also understand as well what KeyEast and even Hyun Joong is asking from fans... privacy.


[Trans] Notice from KeyEast 04.12.11 - We hope for fans cooperation
Source :
Koran to English translation by Ode /

Hi, this is Keyeast.

We truly express our thanks to all fans who have been showing much unchanging concern and support towards Kim Hyunjoong-ssi's activities.

Today, we are here to mention about matters in regards to Kim Hyunjoong-ssi's personal schedules. To all of these, we are very well aware of it as a form and expression of your love for Kim Hyunjoong-ssi. However, we ask for your attention that all of such concern may jolly well form to a certain extent of obstruction to his daily life, so we really ask for your self-control. Excessive amount of concern can fade the love of you fans, and in addition, it also doesn't influence Kim Hyunjoong-ssi positively.

In future, we hope that more self-control could be exercised with regards to public release of any videotaping of his personal schedules.

We look forward to a more matured profile in this fandom in days to come.

Do weave your days of Spring happily and healthily as always, while we await to bring you good news in the fastest time possible.

Thank you.



  1. Anonymous8:52 PM

    what makes Keyeast give this statement???
    Is there any stalker disturbing Leader's privacy lately???

    *sorry for my English,not my first language^^*

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM

    OH! may be the wedding song video. It was keyeast's staff wedding ceremony.

  3. Anonymous10:33 PM

    just curious about that wedding song video ...Anon 9:35 share to us

  4. Anonymous10:53 PM

    sounds serious! don't think they can eliminate stalkers or crazy fans entirely. and i don't see a point with this statement. if people really wanna stalk it's not like circulating a memo to plead that they don't do this or that would work. HJL is so popular what do you expect? that he can walk the streets of myeongdong in peace? time to tighten the security and employ a few more bodyguards.

  5. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Excessive amount of concern might fade the love of fans and doesn't reflect positively on him? Does he have something to hide or what?

    - Lynlee

  6. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Oh no is he getting tired of us fans video taping his every move? Honestly im like stalking for news of him everyday because im obsessed with him.Dont know what to say but thats how much i like him to that extend...but if he is stressed out because of fans like me then i think his happiness is what is very sad right now..but i think he is evenly sad for keyeast to come out with a statement like that...oh ottokke..mianhe leadershi..

  7. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Dont be sad..i think KHJ is never stressed out because of that..he love his fans..i remember once he said that he always afraid of losing love from keep updating ya!! :)

  8. Anonymous1:46 AM

    @Anonymous 11:04pm

    It's not a matter of what he has to hide but rather a privacy issue. We as fans should respect his request. There's a time and place for everything.

  9. Anonymous3:03 AM

    I am concern as to why keyeast must released this statement now.Dont they know that KHJ is about to launch his first solo album.Im afraid it might effect KHJ solo comeback.Why does keyeast writing the statement instead of KHJ himself.Im afraid its bad timing..just my opinion agreeable with anon10.53

  10. Anonymous3:15 AM

    I'm not very good in english so i don't really understand what keyeast mean in their letters.
    Can somebody please explain it in easy words what they said?

  11. Anonymous3:50 AM

    All they are asking is for fans to give Hyun Joong some privacy. I think he wants to do some personal activities (such as practicing soccer or eating out) without being filmed the entire time. Nothing wrong with asking for a little restraint from fans. He needs a private life too.

  12. Anonymous4:41 AM

    well, he's lucky he doesn't live in the US......foreign press/fans aren't nearly as scary as those here in the states. if you're a celebrity, forget about privacy. there's no such thing. you are a public figure and your life is an open book. that's not to say it's right or fair because everyone deserves some sense of privacy...but if you're a celebrity who's constantly in the public eyes, you can't honestly expect least, not when you're in public. if he's in a public area playing soccer, it's fair game. fans can take whatever photos/fancams they want. if he's at a private function, that's different. public area is public domain. sounds harsh, right? that's just how it is. i feel bad for him....but that's the price of fame.

  13. Anonymous6:24 AM

    @anon above...least in US... fans don't care whom he or she dates or having a relationship. In Korea especially female fans think they own the there Idols. Just sad and pathetic!

  14. Anonymous7:23 AM

    i'm not good at english because it's my 2nd language, but i can understand korean very well. so i try to explain this statement.
    Ode's translation is very good, but the 2nd paragraph is sligtly Paraphrased. so i'd like to try translate it again. but as i said, my english is not good. so if there's somebody else can translate this more smoothly, please do it again.

    recently, i heard some of KHJ's fans(rather than stalkers calls SASAEANG in korean) follows him EVERYWHERE and EVERYTIME. as we know, he needs privacy just like us. i think this kind of thing make him very tired because he can't feel completely comfortable in that situation.

    this is not the matter of his official or public schedule but the matter of his private life only. so you don't need to worry about that you hardly can see him anymore, i think.

  15. Anonymous7:30 AM

    oh my~ i didn't know i can't use < or > ^^;; so here's my translation again. this is the 2nd paragraph.

    recently, KHJ's PRIVATE(this means Not open to public) and personal schedule was exposed by some of the fans. in addition, they filming him with cell-phone, digital camera or cam-corder and upload it on the web.
    we do understand this is their expression of love and interest for KHJ, but sometimes it may bothers his daily life.
    so please refrain from too much attention for KHJ to protect his privacy.

  16. Anonymous9:09 AM

    @6:24 I agree with you.
    Still he wants to be a celebrity, he is a celebrity, he's out in public, what does he expect?
    He's gotten so popular, where can he go without fans going gaga over him? I think there will always be that type of fan that he's not feeling very comfortable with right now. It's obvious the dude is pissed off,why else would KeyEast leave a memo?
    ..aahh..maybe he'll go into hiatus again.

  17. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I am from the US and it's not normally the fans that stalk the celebrities. It's the paparazzi.

    You don't know if he is pissed off or not. You are making assumptions based on Key East asking fans not to post his private schedule online. If fans don't know his entire private schedule then he can be in "public" without being fair game since they won't even know about him being in "public" to begin with. Being a celebrity does not mean you owe the fans your entire life. Key East is simply asking for fans to try to give him a little privacy in his personal life. What is so wrong about that? Absolutely nothing that's what, since they are just simply asking. Not demanding or trying to be forceful but simply asking.

  18. lotusheart6:33 PM

    i agree with anonymous 9:46. They are just asking for some privacy. He may be a celebrity but he still have the right to have even a little privacy. If everyone would put themselves in Hyun Joong's shoes, they will understand. And i don't think this will affect his solo comeback because i believe majority of us fans are matured enough to understand.

  19. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Poor Hyun Joong! It must has been really bad in order for KeyEast to public the statement.
    Even it's a price of being too popular, he still human, and he needs his privacy. Hopefully, fans will cut him some slack.

  20. Anonymous12:24 AM

    i live in the U.S too. yes, it's usually the paparazzi that stalks the entertainers, but fans do take fancams and photos when they see their idols at restaurants, ballparks, etc. and post them on YT. it's quite prevalent. i am not the kind of fan who would spend my precious time following a celebrity around no matter how much i like them. i have better things to do. celebrities are public figures and should understand the fans and overall public's interest in their daily lives and activities. it is often unfair that they are deprived of any sense of privacy but life is unfair. i don't think anyone is saying that entertainers as a whole don't deserve privacy, they just can't realistically expect it. not every fan has a life and not every fan will understand their need for privacy. some fans actually feel their idol owe their fame to them. crazy, i know.......some entertainers go out of their way to keep a love profile to have some sense of privacy but hyung joong is's just hard for him to keep a low profile when his image is blasted all over s. korea. this thing will not affect his CB since it has absolutely nothing to do with it. i'm sure it bothers him or else KE wouldn't be posting their request for fans to give him room to live his life.

  21. Anonymous12:26 AM

    @12:24......i meant keep a low profile.......
