
Monday, April 04, 2011

[Notice from KeyEast] Invitation to Suggest Name for Official Fan Club

Are you creative in coming up with web name? You want to suggest to KeyEast what name to you want for Hyun Joong's website? Now it's your chance as KeyEast is inviting fans to send in participate. Just follow the instruction below. Good luck!

Loads of thanks to wonderrrgirl of LoveKimHyunJoong for the translation of this notice from KE.

Btw, deadline is midnight of April 8, 2011 (KST).

Oh, just in case you're not joining but have a CUTE NAME in mind you want Hyun Joong's fan club to be called, care to share with us? ^_^


[2011.04.04] Invitation to Suggest Name for Official FC

Korean to English translation: wonderrrgirl @

Hello, this is KeyEast.

In the warm breeze, the spring that causes flutters in our hearts has come.
Everyone, please take caution of your health during this change of season,
and we hope that you will have a good start for this spring.

Presently, Kim Hyun Joong is having a busy time preparing for his album.
KeyEast is providing as much strength towards Kim Hyun Joong's activities
as well as planning for the establishment of Kim Hyun Joong's official fan club.
Before the establishment of the official fan club,
the participation of coming up with the new fanclub name will be open to the public.

Everyone who have sent us a (suggested) name,
Kim Hyun Joong will be joining in to select the best I.D as well.
The chosen person will be presented with a gift of appreciation.
Everyone, please give it lots of attention and participate actively.

With regards to the announcement, please refer to the detailed contents below.

<2011 4 April ~ 8 April (by Midnight)>

Please send an email to using the style below.

(1) Subject: Kim Hyun Joong's oficial fanclub name *김현중 공식 팬클럽 이름 공모*
(2) Content: Your name, your ID on the official homepage, Contact information, Fan club's name, Reasons/meaning of the name.

(*wonderrrgirl: If you wish to participate, please copy and paste the KOREAN subject instead for the email you are sending to them.
Just my own suggestion, you need not follow ^^ But this will make their job in separating different emails easier...?
Other information including fanclub name can be given in English if you wish to.)

(1) After the best 5 names have been chosen, a voting will be carried out in our official homepage.
(2) The name with the highest amount of votes will be chosen as the official name.

* Only 1 participation per 1 member is possible.
* Names of fan clubs that are already available will be ruled out
* Please ensure that all correct and necessary information are provided in the format provided.
* All emails sent after the participation period will not be considered.
* The schedule of voting period will be announced at a later period.
* For any other questions, please send it to

Thank you very much



  1. Anonymous10:25 PM

    OH! good news..

  2. Good news? Really?

    What about TripleS, hm?

    Wanting to have own fanclub name only makes the borders farer... doesn't it?

    *not happy*

    It seems to get harder to get back together...

    (Hey, and sorry, just to be cautious. Don't get it wrong, it's nothing against Leader, what I'm saying here. It's just, that I think with a devellopement like this, it's getting harder... you know?)

  3. Anonymous11:06 PM

    it is not wrong for HJ to have his own fansclub.
    it will more easy to manage his own fans.

    Before, Hyun Jun also has his own named "JUNUS"

    If they "really" want to get back together, they can! And we still be TS, now & forever!

  4. Anonymous12:49 AM

    in Hyung Jun's fanclub JUNUS....

    i just hope that Hyun Joong's won't be something like JOONGOS ...haha i just feel it is not a nice name....

  5. Anonymous2:41 AM

    ha.... nobody said like 'what about TripleS, hm?' when HJB got JUNUS.
    this is not a defense... yeah... i'm just fed up with this kind of situation... it never ends... poor leader... they never know they have a double standard... i'm really sick of it...

  6. Chara3:08 AM


    I'm sorry. I wasn't even aware that Maknae has his own official Fanclub... My bad.

    Please just forget what I said. It's unimportant.

  7. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Kim Hyun Joong, I'll support you forever.

  8. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I will love and support Hyun Joong forever. You can call me Joongie or Junkie - whatever. 'What's in a name, a rose by any other name will smell as sweet.'

  9. Anonymous10:30 AM

    it's not really a double standard for HJL. as TripleS, it's natural to feel a bit weird or sad that they're establishing their own official fanclubs separate from TripleS, because it feels like they're getting further away from DoubleS. i felt the same when JM and HJB announced their open contests for fanclub name suggestions. (JM was the first, but he still hasn't decided on one yet. XD; then HJB chose JUNUS, meaning JUN 'N US. :)
    but it's not only necessary, since they don't legally own the name DS/TS, but useful, because with their solo activities, there are now more fans of individual members only, and those fans can't be called TS unless they're fans of SS501, too.
    but i don't think there's anything wrong with being TripleS AND JUNUS and "Miniacs" or "Hyunnies" or "Kyuties" or, um... "esSAENGtials?" hm, have to work on one for YS... lol

  10. Anonymous12:42 PM

    nobody express their sadness when other members had their own fanclub. that's the difference. you know what i mean.
    i don't mean Chara(i understand her. she may didn't know about JUNUS) but who are critic only for HJL.
    they are. nobody can deny it.
    i just want just do the same thing between members cause none of us has the right judge HJL more strictly. that's unfair.
    just support them or leave them alone for everybody's peace.

  11. Anonymous11:31 PM

    actually, i remember reading many comments when JM and HJB first announced. lots of Triple S felt dismay and reluctance. there were more comments then than here (just 1, and she didn't know about the others). i think we all just needed some time to embrace the idea.
    i completely agree that things should be equal for all the members! although it's hard because everyone has bias, we should try not to be too hard on our least-favs (or too easy on our most-favs, which sometimes leads to over-protectiveness).

  12. Anonymous2:59 AM

    I don't mind Hyun Joong has his own fan club like others do, sometime i can feel the double standard really exist when the subject is Hyun Joong, let's not criticize each member individually and support them always.
