
Sunday, April 17, 2011

[Pix] Jung Min & Hyung Jun

Saw this tweeted by hl2412 and I couldn't stop myself from posting this moment captured by the shutterbug of Jung Min and Hyung Jun at the backstage of Jung Min's fan meeting in Seoul.

Looks like that Hyung Jun gave Jung Min a copy of his solo album. Hmm, I keep on wondering if these guys give each other signed copy of their album.^^


  1. DORIS7:01 PM

    Like the second photo, Hyung Jun exudes the vibe like: "HE'S MINE! ALL OF YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY TOM!" HAHAHA. SWEET <3

  2. second picture is precious :)
    baby's eyebags are getting more and more obvious, hope he's getting his rest.

  3. Anonymous10:45 PM

    the last like hyungjun is saying that jungmin is his possession..i wanted to write a fanfic but i know its more like brotherly love cus on arirang pops in seoul, u shud have seen his face when the vj mentioned the bobo with was really funny!
    thanks for sharing

  4. Lee Dewi / 이대위11:04 PM

    ~~2nd pic in my own words~~

    Jjun : He is MINE...TOM is MINE!!! Back off everyone!!!

    kekeke ^^v it SSo much to see such a sweet brotherhood relationship!! ThanKYU Liezle for sharing...

  5. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Dear Liezle!

    I think our boys indeed do give each other the signed copies of their albums.
    I remember when Kyu Jong and Jung Min were on Music High as the special double DJs, Jung Min came late rite? After he passed Kyu Jong his drink, Jung Min also gave Kyu Jong his new repack album "The, Park Jung Min"!
    Later on, Kyu Jong placed the CD on the table right in front of the camera and you can easily spotted Jung Min's signature on the cover ^o^
    How sweet is that <3
    These little gestures from our princes are enough for us to tell how much they love each other ^^

    BTW Cant get enough of this couple kkkk
    Tom&Jerry = Min&Jun!!!!

    Wish you have a nice days!!

  6. sinthia5:44 AM

    Jung Min laughed like he can't believe HJ gave to him his own cd like a birthday's gift. xD
    His face in the 2nd pic is just, well... it could be money but, ok... hahahaha these two are the cutest thing in this world! ** I loved all the pics, specially the 2nd, their friendship is so beautiful, I love to see how much they love and care each other. ^^

  7. Anonymous10:39 PM

    i love it to ^_^
