
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

[Pix] Jung Min Zipped of to Japan 04.27.11

Early this morning Jung Min went to Japan for another set of activities. Geez, he's been very busy yah? And come May I think he will be staying in Taiwan to start filming the drama for about 3 months.

Here are photos of him captured by p-jungmin's shutterbug. Take note of his finger, it has a protective bandage. I wonder what happened to his finger.


  1. Anonymous9:12 PM

    oh no, my poor Minnie is hurt! ;_; first Saengie, now Minnie. please take care, boys!
    Jung Min has been sick lately, too. and so busy flying all over the place, from Korea to Thailand to Hong Kong to Korea to Japan.. the fact that he's still smiling as brightly as ever kinda makes it sadder. =/ always showing his best no matter how he's feeling.
    Jung Min ah fighting!
    thx for sharing pix.

  2. I'm really worried about his health these days ==
