
Saturday, April 30, 2011

[Trans] Interesting Interview of YES Mag on Jung Min

Thanks to rainaftershine for sharing this on her new home. You can visit her HERE as she just established her new blog. Also thanks much to Laura Nah로라 for the English translation posted on ss501chapter.

This is an interesting on Jung Min by Yes Magazine (HK) as he talks about HongKong, his drama project in Taiwan, a movie in Korea, his ideal girlfriend, wanting tohave 20 kids (!) and more.


[Trans] Jung Min – YES Magazine Issue 1050
Scanned by: PJMIFC (
English translation: Laura Nah로라 (& her mom’s help of reading Cantonese) @

Re-post with full credit.

Shopping in Hong Kong

Even though this was not the first time JungMin has arrived in Hong Kong, it was his first time coming alone (as himself – “Park JungMin” and not as “SS501’s Park JungMin”) to promote his first solo album . JungMin says, “My time in Hong Kong is short and the schedule is very tight. However, I am still able to feel all my fans’ support, and this makes me very happy. Just as before, Hong Kong fans are very passionate!” And despite the tight schedule and all, JungMin took time out to go shopping, buying things to the extent of needing to get a new luggage to pack all his new stuff.

Lyrics about Love

For JungMin’s first album, he showcased his lyrics-writing talent by penning the words for all three songs. Upon release of his album, the songs are well-received by fans. This increased JungMin’s confidence greatly! JungMin says, “After releasing my mini album, I feel a great boost in confidence as a person and as a singer. When I was filling in the words for the songs, I would incorporate some imagination as well as my personal thoughts, feelings and experiences about love.” JungMin revealed that his initial thoughts about the lyrics for were not the same as what fans finally saw as the end product. He explained that there was a change of thought flow as he was penning the words.

Feeling Sad when his Feelings are not Reciprocated

This month, JungMin will release his repackaged album, which includes two new songs titled, “Like tears are Falling” and “Go, go”. These two songs reflect JungMin’s feelings, especially the album’s hit song, “Like tears are falling”. Speaking of tears, JungMin does have his fair share of sad moments! Though this may seem to be in contrast to the image he portrays – a cheery man whose signature look is his dazzling smile, JungMin explains, “There will be times when I am sad, because I value feelings a lot. If I am nice to someone, I will feel sad when that person do not reciprocate the same feeling(s).”

Celebrated His Birthday on top of a Mountain

Everyone has happy and sad moments. For JungMin, because he has the love and support of so many fans, we are quite sure that the number of happy times he experiences far exceeds the number of sad times! Just earlier this month, JungMin had his 24th birthday. He wanted to spend his birthday with his fans and thus he was not able to celebrate it with his friends. He recalled, “There was once when my friends and I went to hike a mountain, and we ended up celebrating my birthday on the mountain peak. It was really unforgettable. I really wish to celebrate with my friends again.” It must have been such a sight to try to compete with the wind to blow out the candles on top of the mountain!
Wants to Have Twenty Children

As his birthday wish, JungMin made a simple request: a healthy body to allow him to fulfill his scheduled work. AH, but how could we just let him off with such a simple wish! After some probing, we found out an exclusive piece of news for readers. JungMin says, “I hope to get married soon. Even though I have no expectations as to when I get married, I hope it will be as soon as possible! This is because I wish to have many children. Hopefully, I can achieve my wish of having twenty girls and boys.” Oh my! What a wish! Even if he has triplets, he would need seven years to achieve his goal! Hmmm… all the best, JungMin!

Filming Taiwanese Drama in May

It will be difficult for JungMin to find time to accomplish his wish this year. Haha! His work schedule for this year has been set and it is so packed! JungMin says, “I plan to record a Chinese song and have it released by the end of this year. At the same time, in May, I would be going to Taiwan to film a drama. Though I do not know the plot or storyline of the drama as yet, I am very excited about it! Also, I would be filming a Korean movie during the second half of 2011.” JungMin is really developing in three big areas – the world of singing, small screens (TV) and the big screens (movie)! It is known that his character for the Taiwanese drama have been specially tailored to fit him. We wonder if he will be acting as a witty singer in that drama!?

Best at Counting Money

JungMin’s work ethic has been cultivated since he was a little boy. JungMin says, “Since young, I have been a high-energy person. Also, when I was much younger, my family was relatively not so well-to-do, and we do not have much money. It was a more difficult life, and it was also a lonelier one. Thus, I appreciate everything I have. And I will do my best for everything, always giving my all in order to complete them.” Indeed, JungMin remains as lively and appreciative as when he was young. JungMin says, “When I was studying, the subjects I am most confident was physical education (sports and games), the arts and music. Mathematics was my worst subject. However, I am best at counting money! Haha!”

Witty Girl-friend

Music is easily mastered by the talented JungMin. Given his great improvements, learning Mandarin also seems so easy to him. Not only is he able to answer interview questions in Mandarin, he is also able to write Chinese characters! JungMin says, “The people working with me are able to converse in Mandarin, thus, I was able to enquire them for help when learning to speak the language.” With his Mandarin, we are sure he will have no problems getting even a Mandarin-speaking girl as his girl-friend! JungMin says, “I like girls who are confident and knows how to dress appropriately for occasions. And I really like a girl who is always joyful, full of smiles, and has a witty sense of humor.” If ever such a cheery girl is with such a cheery JungMin, it would really be a match made in heaven!


  1. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Jung Min is such a sweetheart. :)
    20 kids? LOL. I think that's too much but I bet his future wife wouldn't mind. hahaha.

  2. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Big thanks to Laura (& her mom) for translating this long interesting interview!

    Ohh, my, 20 kids? I think his future wife would mind. XD; I wanna see happy, wonderful daddy JM! ^_^

    I can't wait for details on his Taiwan drama! And yay a Korean movie lined up, too! :D

    Aww, all the members in SS501 come from humble beginnings, and I love how they have always remain humble, hardworking, and grateful for everything. <3

    I swear, Jung Min and Gyuri were made for each other! Both are confident, fashionable, cheerful, witty; and pretty shy, caring, and kind-hearted inside; and gorgeous. My favorite couple! ;D
