
Saturday, April 16, 2011

[Vid] (EngSubbed) Hyung Jun @ MBC Radio Star Golden Fishery 110413

Thanks Marvie for shoving this here. Much thanks as well to for uploading in YT with subs.

Not my favorite show but will watch it since Hyung Jun is a guest.

Credit : sup3rjunior13@youtube

Geez, at the start of the show I can already sense the Hyung Jun is not comfortable to be in it. Sigh... and I exactly know the reason. Honestly, I have been told by a Korean friend when SS501 was still promoting their last album that many wished that members will not guest in this show because this show is not a cool show to be in. I am sure you already know what I mean after you've seen their last guesting here and this one.


  1. Anonymous9:15 PM

    They're making fun of Hyung Jun like they did 2 years ago when SS501 was promoting "Love Like This"

    This is the reason why Hyung Jun has less fans because they always pick him to be humiliated,specially in TV shows.

    Heechul is from Super Junior and the group has huge fanbase, thats why they cannot make fun of him..

    Kwang hee is also starting to spread bad rumor about Hyung Jun's having plastic surgery..

    Hyung Jun was already born with high nose, he doesn't need plastic surgery to fix his face, some people over there are just jealous of his perfect face...

  2. Anonymous9:40 PM

    at anon above
    too true! i really hate this's like just like the last time..i feel like they can only get high ratings if they diss a celebrity nd hyungjun is always their target evrytime he goes on this..i feel like with this show, all the hardwork he is put into going solo is overlooked..i really wished that he didn't attend this show..hyungjun is too kind to take this crap from them nd honestly kwanghee is so disrespectful to his sunbae by saying that..he cud have said it in a nice way like oh hyungjun inspired cus of his good looks so i chose to get a surgery to look like him or sumthin like that..i know it was a joke but ppl who r getting to know hyungjun will totally misjudge which is just really sad for me as a triple s anyway sorry for the rant.thanks for sharing with the subs!!

  3. Anonymous10:38 PM

    I feel that they are crossing the line as well.
    Damn, I must admire baby's anger management.
    But I am determined, even if any members did plastic surgery, it won't change my admiration for them.

  4. Anonymous11:52 PM

    I'm not so affected by this MC's joke to him coz i know baby take this thing as a joke,though the joke is totally over the line..what i hate is the one who's saying that baby done a plastic surgery, i don't know who's that guy,but what i've read in the screen his a member of ZE:A. Maknae was known for his high nose and even voted as one of the celeberities in Korea that looks like a foreigner because of his looks and high nose..he didn't undergone any surgery..And also,the 2nd thing i hate is when the MC not giving any bad comments on Heechul for his wrong spelling od "ambitious"while they make harsh comments on Maknae when he spell boy to "voice"..i think it's not because Heechul has more fans, but because Heechul's fans are so scary...biases in the industry of Korea is so big...haist!!

  5. Anonymous12:15 AM

    they do like to make fun of magnae. even when JM and leader come to his defense by saying that he sometimes make comments to make ppl laugh but some ppl take it to mean that he doesn't think before he speaks, the hosts of this show told them to stop defending him.....magnae isn't stupid, he's just tolerating the hosts. that one host who often say he likes YS is the one who often makes "not so nice" remarks when responding to leader, magnae and JM on this show as well as other shows that he's on. i don't like him......

  6. Anonymous12:44 AM

    I cant bear watching dis show till the end..who the h*ll they think they all are giving harsh remarks bout a fan I totally cant accept dat..making joke is not wrong as long as u know the limit..n dis is crossing the line,TWICE already...HJB is a handsome young men with great talent so much better in any way compared to some idols nowadays..all those people need to OPEN their bloody eyes..gosh, I pray n really hoping dat dis will be the last time HJB came to dis's not even worth it...those people need to learn respecting others!!!

    sorry for the long rant n harsh words...

  7. Anonymous12:53 AM

    i am sort of confused..are they saying that hyungjun got plastic surgery for a joke or is it the truth nd they r making fun of him cus he did it. it doesn't make any sense - maybe its lost in translation. if it is not true why is hyungjun not defending himself to prove that he did not get it..i also hate this show! why did they not even tellthe guests that they r doing a dumb idol special concept - that is so rude to hyungjun..poor guy didn't even know that he was going on the show for such a reason..the mcs are really mean!

  8. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Who would ever want to be on a low quality show like this? Who will watch it? How could such a show survive? There is nothing to recommend it. It's stupid and offensive.
    The 3 Mc's are ugly, stupid, old men pretending to be cool,young and smart. The only way they can raise a laugh is by insulting their guests who unfortunately are too polite to trade insults with them. OMG, they are really pathetic.
    The fatso on the left, thinks he is elegant cos he puts on a suit but he is like a pig in disguise. He not only has a bloated face but an ego to match.The middle guy thinks he is a teenager with his ridiculous curly top and red-checked shirt. The chinless last guy is just old and is probably wearing a full set of dentures.
    I suddenly recognize them, they are either The 3 Stooges or Cinderella's ugly stepmum & 2 uglier step-sister's.
    You cannot be serious, they are on a regular TV Show? How can anyone stand them? Please give the audience a break!

  9. Anonymous4:46 AM


    Hyung Jun took their comments as a joke because mostly people in Korea already knew about his family and their genetic, they are famous for having high nose.. and pre-debut pictures of him 7 years ago are strong enough as a proof that he doesn't do plastic surgery at all because he always looks same...

  10. Anonymous7:18 AM

    i think baby is getting tired comments what they said because it's useless for them who are happy insulting ppls.

    omoo,i dont believe kwang hee said that!
    he's ever come to MuHigh and said he liked baby very much and ppls said they're looked alike (but they're not looked like >> harsh vs soft-hearted boy. hahaba!)
    it's so impolite to his sunbae.
    and he's new artist,he should create good image so he can get more fans.
    but now he can get more anti-fans (hope so!hahaha).

    sorry for long post, liezle..
    i cant bear anymore :D

  11. Anonymous1:21 PM

    ugh, this was hard to watch, kept cringing. feel so bad that Hyung Jun had to go through that again! they really led those guys there under false pretenses, not telling them that they would be labeled dumb men. >< and i think they were a bit too harsh for the laughs, and i bet they cut out stuff to make them look dumber, and maybe even cut out Hyung Jun explaining that he didn't do surgery, because i don't think he would just sit there silently and let them state it as fact and let the audience assume it's true. :P really disappointing and frustrating as a Triple S. D:

  12. Anonymous1:51 PM

    seriously i dont like what the maknae of ZEA is talking abt baby! Thats so rude and dont be knoe that he needs to respect his sunbae?!

  13. Anonymous3:11 PM

    This was definitely one show I was hoping Hyung Jun wouldn't do after his experience there last time. This was a hard video to watch. I was so angry after hearing that Hyung Jun thought he was invited for a different reason then what was revealed. I had to stop watching and calm myself down before I could continue watching it. Thankfully this is just one program and that Hyung Jun has been doing well on the other programs he's been in. We, his fans, know that he is not dumb and hasn't done any plastic surgery. Hyung Jun right now is a rookie as a solo artist and unfortunately that means from time to time he won't always get the best opportunities to promote himself. At least we can be proud of the way Hyung Jun handles himself in these situations. Hyung Jun is making the most of each opportunity and through his hard work and talent things will slowly improve for him. In just the short time since he started his solo activities I can already see more and more fans supporting for him than before. And I know that his fanbase will just continue to grow and grow. Hyung Jun fighting!

  14. Anonymous9:21 PM

    geesh! Just reading the comments here without watching it makes me angry with the hosts of the show. I remembered the guesting of SS501 here 2 years ago..and Junnie was humilated so much by those ahjussis! T_T

  15. Anonymous10:11 PM

    I...will...kill!!!!!"chopchopchop" to minced meat, and feed it to the rats! I felt really bad for Hyung Joon as I sat here watching this crap of a show. The sole reason for this shows excistence is to humiliate idols/stars so they can survive on them. I don't even understand why it still excist? somebody please take it down, RIGHT NOW!

  16. Anonymous10:41 PM

    I feel sorry for baby being targeted by those mcs but i like jongmin here cause he is just being himself not trying hard to please anyone.Baby should relax cause i see like he is unprepared and unfortunately was given the 1st place for the most dummest.Im suprised that his agency did not screen first the topic of the day and i admire baby's resilience and face those three demons heads on..

  17. sinthia10:14 AM

    I really can't understand why HJ's manager scheduled him once again to this show if they put down him always he goes there! I really hate this show, the way he is treated is so unfair! it's like he is a newbie without talent. I think it was a huge mistake have been there. well, I just hope things won't be like the last time and all MCs in all variety shows begin mistreat him. Aich! Such a disgusting show!

  18. Anonymous4:46 AM

    I've just added new names on "People I Hate" list. There are only few people on it but this one are with note "without mercy".
    I hope that 240 thousands of Korean TS will target those mean pathetic men - splited coffee on shirt, slipery floor, "break" in every office...
    Poor Baby - by himself versus mean old men This time Jungmin couldn't protect him.

  19. i cant even bear to watch this.. just reading the comments and knowing from other TS how baby was exploited in this program..

    this is so sad... :(

  20. Anonymous5:48 PM

    is this also the same show that HJB and KJ had guested quite long ago and the hosts made "jokes" about YS not with the two at the show guesting? if it is the same then i'm gonna kill those hosts in my mind!! grrrrrr!!
