
Monday, May 16, 2011

05.14.11 S/Tweet Treats

Much thanks to xiaochu of Quainte501 for the translation of the following tweets which were tweeted last Saturday.

Brian Joo the other half of Fly to the Sky sent tweets to Hyung Jun and Young Saeng. Check it out.


[Trans] 05.14.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credits.

2011-05-14 @ 12:55 PM
seanalexander23 Young Saeng @mystyle1103 "Out The Club" Comeback Stage LIVE co-written by @steven_lee_ @drewryanscott @seanalexander23

2011-05-14 @ 2:03 PM
Brianjoomuzik @mystyle1103 YoungSaeng-ah... Congrats on your comeback^^ Didn't get to see you after we met by chance at BoAngJu the other time... Hwaiting... Let's follow each other -Brian hyung-

2011-05-14 @ 8:44 PM
Brianjoomuzik Wah~ Woo~ Today at M Super Concert, people living in KwangJu, Block.B fans, Kim HyungJun fans, @sigstyle1023 fans, and of course Brian fans who love me the most, today's response was very good... Isn't In My Head nice? ke

2011-05-14 @ 9:34 PM
Brianjoomuzik @Hyungjun87 You've worked hard^^ I think it's been really a long time since we met, missed you

2011-05-14 @ 10:39 PM
HyungJun87 @Brianjoomuzik Hyung has also worked hard too. Best handsome guy hyung^^

2011-05-14 @ 11:05 PM
Brianjoomuzik @HyungJun87 kekeke embarrassed TT TT about being called "best handsome guy hyung" kekeke But still thanks, my cute dongsaeng-ah~


  1. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Is this the Brian Joo who appeared in one episode of Strong Heart with JM, HJL and HJB?

  2. Anonymous9:02 AM

    i don't remember that but its one of HJB's co emcee in the variety show (about environment) they had a couple years back together with a SuJu member (don't know his name but he's the chubby guy who lost a lot of weight recently)

  3. Anonymous1:58 PM

    years ago (he..he..i don't mean that long ago)brian hosting mucore with hyunjoong and did few collaboration stage with ss501.
    check their collab, singing brian's song in music bank.
