
Friday, May 20, 2011

[Fancam] Young Saeng @ YTN Live Power Music 110519

Yesterday, Young Saeng seesm to have a full schedule. Aside from Mnet he went to attend and perform in YTN Live Power Music at Jecheon Semyung University.

Here are fancams from HSScandal as shared by Marvie here. First vid is Young Saeng's 'Let It Go' performance. The last vid will show you Young Saeng talking to fans. Again, here's wishing that someone will let us know what he's saying to fans who are so giddy.

Credit : hjcoc@youtube

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:54 AM

    very rough translation on what Ys said on the 2nd vid: Anneong haseyo... its been a while,'ve waited long... this (name of university), ......its nice to meet all of you.... now, let's do a good show...
