
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Jung Min in Angie Cai's Birthday Party 05.13.11

I was supposed to post this before I went to sleep but that was already past 5am and I don't want my mom to see me still awake at that time so I decided to post this when I wake up.

I was surprise to learn about this because no fan photos of Jung Min being seen at Incheon were posted. Well, apparently Jung Min left for Taiwan to attend Angie Cai's birthday party which was yesterday. Here e is a video from YT channel. Thanks to carolnhj for the tip!

From the video it seems that Jung Min is the guest of honor in Angie Cai's birthday party. I see Vanness Wu and Jerry Yan but they weren't given that much attention.

Yay, why do I get a bad feeling about that kiss Angie Cai asked from Jung Min to do. I just don't find it right. Oh well...


  1. Anonymous10:46 AM

    who is that ahjumma begging for a kiss from Mal?

    i dont like it... there is a bad taste in my mouth after seeing this vid

  2. Anonymous11:05 AM

    well, I better not watch then :)


  3. totally agree, just feel like an evil witch is forcing a kid to kiss her. Maybe i'm exaggerating but really, i do have such a feeling.

  4. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Oh~~~that woman!

  5. sinthia11:39 AM

    It's ok Liezle... I get envious and jealous about that kiss too... xD
    She is so lucky!!!!!!!!

  6. hi sinthia! i am not jealous as i don't think i have an ounce of that. ^^ i just think that there's something wrong in that kiss. argh! i don't know. i think one of my friends would know what i am talking about. i hope she drops by.

  7. his ambition is overwhelming him that he would do anything the devil requests

    I'm a Jung Min's fan and I find it very nauseating.

  8. haven watch the clip.. but the 1st tot i've .. tis is y mal wasn't @ ys CB ..
    he really got other schedule =D

  9. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I decided to watch it afterall. Taiwan entertainment industry has a lot of gimmicks. Hopefully Jung Min can just concentrate on his drama without getting embroiled in them. Wonder if he was pretending not to understand that a kiss has been asked for. Poor guy. She is just used to having handsome young actors filming her dramas, and feeling very proud about it, it seems. Not sure why, deep inside, I have been comfortable about Jung Min taking up Taiwan dramas.


  10. Anonymous12:11 PM

    yea me too :( jungmin become very 随便

  11. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Sorry, I meant to say "I have been uncomfortable about Jung Min taking up Taiwan dramas". Just 6th sense.


  12. Anonymous12:17 PM

    fans, don't be upset! calm down, it's just a BOBO not a kiss in the mouth! Jung Min looks awesome as always

  13. Anonymous12:31 PM

    well, it was the media who blurted it out first, and Angie Chai just went with it. it's still a way to promote Jung Min, her next rising star, right? and isn't Taiwan more relaxed about skinship, like it's not as big a deal as in Korea?

    i saw the kiss as more for an auntie. XD; i don't think it's too pandering. JM always gives lots of fanservice and skinship with fans, so why is this seen as "lower"?

  14. Anonymous1:01 PM is a bobo to 50 years old is already has got lot of skinship with his young lady fans.why does everyone so concerned about this little bobo now?

  15. Belle1:45 PM

    Liezle, my heart is so painful & it's not abt the peck on the cheek. I get you totally.

  16. Anonymous1:50 PM

    lol triple s - that lady is so old and its normal in non korean places as a *greeting* - not anything meaningful ... plus it was her bday so it was rly sweet of him to kiss her on the cheek - also it was the cameramen that asked for it - not like she was forcing him ...

  17. Hi Belle glad that you dropped by and I am sure yon know who the friend I was referring too.

    You actually said it right, it's not the peck that is kinda bothersome. I just have to use the work kiss as I can't describe it. You get me?

    I am going out in a while let's talk later, k?


  18. Anonymous4:14 PM

    柴智屏只係一個小女人, 她的知名度係來自n年前找來一班年輕的男演員來拍流星花園,也找對一班音樂人做了一堆好音樂..之後這十多年, 她也沒什么作為...最近簽的台灣名演員賀xx也給她弄得知名度大降, 希望同樣事情不要發生在朴政玟身上就好了.

  19. Hi liezle, I also know what you are talking abt.

    I get what you say totally, it's not the peck on the check... it is.... haiz...

    U get what i mean...

  20. Anonymous5:17 PM

    liezle,can you say what you mean?some other people know but this secretly talks make me more curious and many thoughts came to my mind.what?is there a releationship between this two?

  21. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Hai everyone sometime somethings are best left unsaid.Now some of you will know how hyunjoong fans felt when alot of things are being said about him...they dont belong to us ppl we borrowed them to keep us happy.Sorry if im being bitchy thats just life...just be happy like how they want it to be even if its painful.

  22. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Hi liezle can you please what you mean? You make me worried. Ah!! I don´t like Angie Chai and it´s not because of Jung Min. I wish he would not act in a Taiwanese drama..

  23. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I think I get what some of you are trying to say as I kind of feel it too but I'm not sure if what I feel is what you're feeling. Okay this is confusing...
    I agree that some things are better left unsaid but a lot of times things that are left unexplained will bring a lot more confusions and doubts.
    Not even a little bit jealous, why should I? Someday in the future he'll get married and have his own family anyway.
    The reporters too, were very disrespectful asking them to french kiss. I was relieved when I read that Angie Chai said that JM is like her son so why should they do that but there's still something about this whole thing that made me feel quite disturbed.

  24. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Anonymous 6:59 PM

    What are the things that have been said about hyunjoong?? is it similar to this situation??
    I think that you brought Hyun Joong issue in the wrong topic!!

    But anyway, when i saw the video at first i was very angry and screamed very loud T^T ... but after a while i calmed down and thought that she is like his mother ^^

    AND to be frank i don't like Angie Choi because i heard bad things a bout her

  25. Hey guys don't mind me. I was just like I guess everyone else when it comes to Angie Chai. ^^ Been hearing this and that about her since F4 days. But hey she's good when it comes to building a stars.

    About Jung Min acting in a Taiwanese drama I don't have any problem with that, I like it actually. It's just that it worries me that he'll be gone in Seoul for quite a long time.

    Relationship? Hey where did that come from. As the newspaper above said Angie Chai has a boyfriend.


  26. Anonymous9:44 PM

    anon 6.59 to sam501

    I apologise to include hyunjoong in this topic as its nothing similar but i just am trying to say this as a biases fan pov. Its fine with me if most wants to make this speculation overblown but every negatives being said counts to someone who cares about their biases as they say we may have the same hair colour but our feelings are different.I hope some of you understand that i have no malicious intent just my pov.

    I must thanked lieze for allowing us to use her comment box as a median for us to have open discussion whether negatives or positives.

    Thank you and good night.

    Long live SS501!!!

  27. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Oh no! I'm seriously worried now...

    In fact, I have been worrying since the day Jung Min said he is going to film in TW...

    I personally don't like TW celebs and entertainment 'cos it's dark and complicated!

    The celebs there like visiting nightclubs, take drugs and having casual s... I'm so afraid they will lead JM astray...

    Esp. if he were asked to attend private parties, which TW have a lot, his korean mgr will not be there to protect him... what happen to him we'll nvr know..Argh!

    They can even asked JM to give her a french kiss publicly, I can't imagine what will happen if it is private...

    Liezle...what are we supposed to do? There are so many colour wolves
    in TW...*sob

  28. sinthia12:51 AM

    WOW, this is not a big deal girls! Ok, we feel kinda envious or jealous.^^ Everyone would like be kissed for him, right?hehehe But that kiss was just to the press! I don't feel upset or worried at all...They don't have a relationship, she is just helping him become more popular and it's a good thing to his career. Plus, we know he is like that with women, he's not a child! I'm sure he knows how far he can go. I don't think he will be manipulated by the press or anyone. He has been in this business for so long to be manipulated just now.
    Girls don't torture yourselves, don't do this issue bigger than it is.

  29. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I think it's better to discuss this rather than shroud it in secrecy and taboo.

    This isn't about jealousy. It's about the slippery slope of how far JM is willing to go, williing to change, willing to do, for his career, right? Because JM posed shirtless and gave a peck to Angie Chai when the media asked, even though we think he normally wouldn't. Some TS are just concerned that the entertainment industry will hurt our JM.

    I understand, and I worry about him, too, because he said himself that he's kind of gullible. But I believe JM has been making very good decisions since the start of his solo period, from his experience and connections in the industry and the support of family and friends. I don't think JM would let himself be coerced into doing anything he didn't want to. Just because he's trying new things and being nervous about it doesn't mean he's changed or losing himself.

    If you recall, JM was the member who was infamous for shameless sexy dances and ssanti acts. (And he's gone topless before for a show and for a photoshoot.) He's changed his image to be a warm gentleman, but he still gives fanservice and works hard to please people and improve himself and his image, so I don't see any difference from before.

    It's normal that our boys have changed as they've grown into men, but JM is still JM, and I believe in him to keep his integrity and his showbiz smarts.

    JM will always honor the name SS501. And TS will always be there to protect him.

  30. Anonymous9:17 AM

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  31. sinthia12:31 PM

    I totally agree with anon 7:42. There's nothing to worry about. I'm enjoying the fact he is changing into a grow man and doing very good choices to his career. Actually,I'm happy with all members developing. ^^

  32. Anonymous5:10 PM

    You guys are all pathetic!
    Even more so as days go by.
    I liked coming here to read updates on SS501 members, but, lately...can't stand what I see, and you call yourself fans?

  33. Anonymous11:56 AM


    I'm really angry and disapponited wthit that.

    I felt & I saw the mentions in on-line that He proved everything about his rumor!!
