
Monday, May 02, 2011

[Pix] Hyun Joong @ Kansai Airport 05.02.11

Hyun Joong left for Japan this afternoon to go to Japan for Playful Kiss promotions. He left via Incheon Airport according to khjgalaxy's tweet. I was actually looking for photo of him leaving S. Korea but didn't see any yet (except for the video from YES) as most fans were waiting for him at Gimpo.

Anyway, Japanese fans though were at the airport to welcome Hyun Joong. Here's one clear photo of him tweeted by theKIMHYUNJOONG from willpower86. Thanks!

For the last photo, thanks to Hyuniversal0606 for the tweet.


  1. Anonymous11:17 PM

    He's looking so gorgeous!!! Anyway, read from a blog that KHJ and JSM had dinner together at a resto! A fan saw them but didn't take any pics cos didn't want to alert them. They were apparently interacting quite happily, especially JSM...

  2. Anonymous12:13 AM

    I love leader, but shouldn't we be careful and state facts only, and not rumors? At this point in his career, don't think they would allow a scandal.

  3. Anonymous1:07 AM

    HJL landed Osaka at 9:00 PM.
    that means he can arrive at hotel after 10 or 11 PM.
    quite late dinner, huh?
    please distinguish whether it's fact or not when you read something.
    about HJL, there're plenty of rumours as you know.
    dinner, just two of them at the public restautrant?? no way~

  4. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I saw a photo of Jung So Min in Kanzai airport, she sports the same sun glasses as Hyun Joong, cute!

  5. Anonymous9:03 PM


    Its Hyun Joong and Jung Min! JUNG MIN NOT Jung So Min!
    that's what I've read from twitter

    but I think it just a fail rumor...

  6. Anonymous11:51 PM

    @anony 11:17 PM

    it not true...I read some FA who was at the Kansai airport
    JSM arrived around 9 AM(japan time)
    while people waiting for HJL, some rumor spreading in twitter that someone saw him and jsm having their meal together in resto at that time


    How come that can happen?...since Hyun Joong arrived in Japan around 8 PM !

    fault rumor

  7. Anonymous12:08 AM

    it's not Jung Min, he already left Japan the day before.
    it's not uncommon for colleagues and staff to eat together when on the same schedule, even late at night (i'm sure restaurants are willing to stay open late for big celebrities).
    but this is either a mistranslation or just a rumor. :P
