
Monday, May 16, 2011

[Trans] Young Saeng’s ‘Thanks To’ from his 1st Solo Album ‘Let It Go’

Heaps of thanks to Sudal for sending this once again in my email. Thanks too venny for the tip in Twitter.

I have been long waiting for the translation of this Thank You of Young Saeng. Really appreciate the effort that 멀리서응원 of rmdkdl did in translating this.

Young Saeng thanked loads of people just like the other members who released their album earlier. And just like the other members, his thank you has this cute tone that only Young Saeng can do. Last person he thanked is DSP CEO. I guess no matter how some fans find DSP, members of SS501 are still very thankful of the company and the person behind it. I always believe in this saying “He who does not know to look where he came from will never get to his destination.” So, really happy to read members thanking the person no matter what.

I love reading thank yous regardless if it’s long or short. For me, it is very important to develop the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes our way, and to give thanks continuously. Because I believe that all things have contributed to once advancement and one should include all things in their gratitude.


[Trans] Young Saeng’s ‘Thanks To’ from his 1st Solo Album ‘Let It Go’
Translation courtesy of 멀리서응원 @ rmdkdl (

I want to first thank my parents who gave birth to me and raised me!!^^ Thank you to the CEO of B2M!!! Gil JongHwa for releasing a solo album under my name Heo Young Saeng. ^^ Although I wasn’t able to meet you much…KangJiHoon CEO!! The always lonely YoonwooTaek Director!! Thank you!! ^^ Those who worked really hard for this album…HyungKook hyung, who’s always only serious with me~~ Hyungjin hyung~~~ who always yells out “Ok”!!! Guensup hyung!!!, who I don’t get to see often.. Thank you~~~ Jungwoo hyung, who’s always around me and talking with me~ Sangi, who’s my age but I feel like you’re Soyoung nuna Miran nuna, you said that you only gave me a gift on White day…it was delicious right? lol The star of our company!!! Leehyori nunim!!! Help me..^^ lol The new group that will come out of our company!! I hope you’re a success!!!^^ Najungyoon vocal teacher who worked really hard during the recording sessions..!! Get married soon~~ ^^ Steven Lee hyung, who came from the U.S. and adjusted very well to Korea!! lol, Seunghyun hyung, who worked hard to train my bad singing voice! Jaeho hyung!! You gave me a song…but we talked more about other things than music… Seungsoo hyung!! I feel bad because we only played one game of Winning and I won… Songwriter SongSooyoon!! I feel bad because I asked you for many revisions to the lyrics because of my difficult personality… To Drew, Sean, Jimmy, John who’s helping me from far away, the U.S. thank you!! And I miss you~~^^ Taewon hyung, who helped me despite his busy schedule, I love you!! Hongjanghyun hyungnim, who took the cool photographs!!! Thanks for your hard work in the cold~ Stylist Kimhaneul , who dresses me in the cool clothes!! To redcarpet, who did my hair and makeup!! Thank you~~^^ Thanks to you, I think the photos came out well! ^^ Even though I don’t go often…OnetoOne Family thank you for teaching me to workout ^^ My trainer LeeByunghee trainer!!! Fighting~~~~ Jinchul hyung! who lost sleep to make my dance moves because your friend Heo Young Saeng is putting out his first solo album…Thank you~~ I always forget your name and so I always call you mandu hyung…lol Hyung~ Thank you~!! I don’t know the names of the other dancers…^^ Let’s become closer~~ lol Parkjibin who always monitored my new songs…I’m not that thankful to you!! Sangil hyung, who cheers me on from Japan!! I miss you~~^^ Maehee hyung!! who acted in a movie!! I hope the movie is a hit~~!!! Sena nuna..Yuri nuna..Youmi nuna…who were with me since my debut, I’m always thankful to you!! ^^ And Hyunsaeng hyung.. Minsung hyung..Jaeyong hyung!!! who plays a lot of games these days…Gunyong hyung who always makes me laugh when we drink! And Minhyun hyung!! Yoonyong hyung, who is usually quiet but then once in a while makes me laugh!! Thanks so much guys~~ Giwon hyung, who’s always my mentor!! Sejoon hyungnim who always gives me good advice!! Thanks so much for your great advice!! M4 Fighting!! lol Um actor Gijoon hyung who is a hyung when we’re together..but then changes to a charismatic actor on stage!! Our number one!! Suh star, Jisuk hyung!! Woojae hyung who always makes me laugh!! Our very own MC Taein hyung!! Sehwan hyung who makes me happy just looking at you!! Sangyeop hyung!! who becomes more charming the more I meet you!! All of you make me laugh when I’m down..thank you!! ^^ Also Yonghan hyungnim..Jaewook hyungnim..Hyunjin hyungnim..Sukkyu hyung..Sunhee nuna..Younghee hyung…Heemoon hyung…Suhwan hyung..Chanmin hyung..Junghwan hyung!! Thank you~~~ ^^ GREAT baseball team~ Thanks for your support!! ^^ To those I may have left out…I’m sorry..but please know that I’m always grateful to you l!!~~~^^ SS501 members..Hyungjoong…Kyujong..Jungmin..Hyungjun… I can’t leave you out from my Thanks to. Let’s all become superstars and until the day that we can show that the five of us are one…Let’s work hard!!! ^^ I want to thank Triple S fans for loving SS501 and me, Heo Young Saeng!! Lastly, I express my deep gratitude to LeeHoYeon CEO… for turning a person named Heo Young Saeng into a singer…This has been SS501 Young Saeng…You’re amazing for reading this long writing!!!hahaha~ THANK YOU…!!!


  1. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I am really happy to know that he thanked the DSP CEO as well. It shows that he has not forgotten his roots and knows who had help made him into what he is today. This makes me admire him more.

  2. Thank for translate this and posting it

  3. Thnx for sharing te translation~^^ so happy to know that YoungSaeng say Thnx to SS501 member :D

  4. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I really liked that he finished with "this has been ss501 young saeng..."

    we know our boys are very kind and greatful for DSP they all thank the CEO in their thanks to and even broadcast.

  5. Anonymous7:27 PM

    The boys are grateful people. It is necessary to always remember the ones who groom you and help you along the way. The thank you message tone is so Young Saeng's style. Cute. Even in his thank you message, he never forget to "poke fun" at Park Ji Bin. Such an interesting relationship, they enjoy.


  6. Anonymous9:00 PM

    They really have respscted the DSP CEO. Maybe if he did not get sick( He is still bedridden) and his wife did get to be the acting CEO at present maybe (only my own assumption) SS501 would still be with DSP & the problem DSP have with their popular girl group would not have occur. Buf then the boys are now very happy with their new respective agencies.

  7. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Aww...they will not forget their roots...

    Love them! ^^

  8. Anonymous11:19 PM

    It just shows they left on good terms and have a good relationship with CEO-nim. I hope he gets better soon...

  9. Anonymous12:31 AM

    haha, i'm one of the amazing reader as mentioned by Young saeng coz i finished to read his long
    thanks for the translation and sharing this with us. God bless:-)

  10. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Tears falling...

  11. Anonymous8:54 AM

    멀리서응원 of rmdkdl! thanks for your time and effort for translating! Liezle, thank you too for sharing this "thanks message" or more like an essay of Ys :)

    funny, witty, way of thanking the people who were and are with him during this solo album preparation... the way he thanked the people was also describing his relationship with this people so the outsiders reading his TY message would have a good idea of knowing the person even without seeing the person

    can i come up with a suggestion, Liezle, if you can and if you have time, the thank you messages of the first 3 members who came out with solos album be shared here in your blog again so us fans can read it over again

    I remembered the emotions i felt after reading their messages:
    PJM - touched
    HJB - emotional
    HYS - happy
    --but the common denominator i felt was pride for these talented men!

    thank you sooo much (A)
