
Thursday, May 19, 2011

[Vid] Hyung Jun & Jung Min Cut from Mnet Wide 05.18.11

Hyung Jun was yesterday's special MC on Mnet Wide. In one of the segments, he introduced Jung Min who who had an interview for the said show as well. Here's the vid of that courtesy of . Thanks to veggiedelight for the tip.

Hyung Jun fringe seems to shorter, he must have cut it. He seems tired too. His eyebags tell us so.


  1. Anonymous1:57 AM

    yep that was the first thing that i had noticed..he looks really tired.he was also the mc yesterday..infact he is the special mc for the whole week..also i heard youngsaeng was on muhigh with him today..yay!!

  2. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Really YS was on MH?? is it for real..???!! or just a rumor?? ><
