
Saturday, May 21, 2011

[Vid] Kyu Jong Dance Rehearsal from Goong

Much thanks to iamsom for the tip on Twitter and to for uploading this clip from Japan TV where Kyu Jong and the casts of Goong had a promotion.

The video has a clip of Kyu Jong doing a dance rehearsal for the musical Goong. We've seen Kyu Jong dance a lot but this one is with an 'attitude'. I like! And hey, his legs are long. ^_^

Before I end this post, let me share with you here some of the photos tweeted (& also shared on her website) by Rainbow Town FM's DJ Christy (@Christy516) where Kyu Jong dropped by to promote Goong as well.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Kyu Jong is very charimastic when he dances. Hopefully, there will be more such clips being captured and released, especially official ones.

