
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

[Vid] Young Saeng Singing 'Rainy Heart'

As mentioned earlier, one of the two vids that you've to look forward to is the live singing of Young Saeng in YoungStreet and in Starry Starry Night. In YoungStreet he sang 'Rainy Heart'.

Here's the video of that portiong, thanks to for uploading in YT.

Thanks to HYSmystyle for the tweet!


  1. Love the song! Think it's going to be one of my all time favs. And YS with that shy smile... Can't seem to "Let it go"...

  2. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Their solo comebacks are making me miss SS501 so much. I hope they'd still be able to match, or even surpass the amount of popularity they had for the past few years, prior to their hiatus. SS501 hwaiting!
