
Saturday, June 18, 2011

[Article] Hyung Jun off to Jakarta 06.18.11

Hyung Jun tweet from Singapore made it to the news in Korea.

Before departing Singapore, Hyung Jun tweeted that he's off to Jakarta. Read the full translation of the tweet from the news shared by Denouement in AKP.


[News] SS501’s Kim Hyung Jun reveals he’s heading for Jakarta

Source & Photo: MyDaily via Naver
Courtesy of Denouement / AllKPop

Singer Kim Hyung Jun has passed on a sel-ca of his recent whereabouts to fans.

On the morning of June 18th, Kim Hyung Jun uploaded a photo on his Twitter showing himself with a pair of sunglasses on. The caption read, “Now starting off for Jakarta. Let’s run like my body’s going to collapse. So I can forget everything.” For the ones who don’t know, Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia.

In the photo, Kim Hyung Jun is shown sporting a black t-shirt and black sunglasses. His newly brown-dyed short hair especially accentuates Kim Hyung Jun’s masculine charms, in contrast to his usual ‘flower boy’-like image.

Upon seeing this photo, netizens have shown interest, “His aura changed but I can’t tell how”, “His wild charms suit him better than a fragile beauty image”, and “Why are you going to Jakarta?”.


  1. Anonymous2:28 PM

    "Let’s run like my body’s going to collapse. So I can forget everything"

    Does anyone know what he means..??Does he want to die early...

  2. Anonymous2:44 PM

    No, I'm pretty certain that's not what he's meaning. Look at Liezle's interpretation from the previous article " he said that he's tired but wants to forget tiredness by having fun". I agree with this interpretation. I wouldn't worry too much and read too much into his tweets. I know we are all use to seeing the hyper cheerful Hyung Jun but he can't always be that way. Sometimes he will just be tired or just have a bad day.

  3. Anonymous2:44 PM

    yah i was pretty worried after i read the tweet. what does he wanna forget, did something unhappy happen in singapore?

  4. Anonymous10:34 PM

    i hope hyungjun enjoys his activities in jakarta. indonesain fans are so lucky!!
    thanks for sharing
