
Friday, June 03, 2011

[Photo] Fans Are Invited atKim Hyun Joong's Showcase for Free

Together with the release of this photo from the cover of Hyun Joong's 1st mini album 'Break Down' is an article about the showcase which will happen on the 7th of June.

The article mentioned about the free showcase for 4,000 fans of Hyun Joong. According to Hyun Joong, it is a gift to show his appreciation to fans who waited for him.

Click HERE to read the article in English from


  1. leader looks so sexy..

  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    That is why I love Hyun Joong so much.
    Always support him.

  3. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I wish I can come.. i envy those people that can come that day.. T.T
    anonymous 4:22, you're right, this is one of the reason why we love Hyun Joong so much, it is his love for us and appreciation ;)

  4. Anonymous7:00 PM

    This is fan service - Hyun Joong style. Simply the best!!

  5. Anonymous11:25 PM

    yep! that's hyun joong's style of fan service! free concerts! =) he works so hard to give free concerts to his fans as a way of saying thank you and showing his appreciation! but next time, i hope he charges at concerts! he's been doing lots of charities and free concerts already! he can make a lil bit of $ for himself to continue doing what he loves!

  6. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Every fan who joins the showcase has to buy at least one CD "Break Down". So we can show Hyun Joong our love to him.

  7. Anonymous12:39 AM

    @11:25 PM True, true! That's his special way of showing fan-service and appreciation, and so, I dare those fans who keep saying he shows the least! Not trying to offend anyone though, liezle, just saying...and yes, I hope he'll charge some payment for his next showcase. The darling boy is too generous for his own good! Please save some for yourself, Hyun Joong-ssi!

  8. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Hyun Joong is a man of actions, not just words. That's why his fans adore him so much. Though I'm not a local fan, I'm happy that I can, in a small way, support his solo debut.

  9. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Where I buy his album....Break Down... PLEASE email to
    Thank you... I've been trying to look for his album...
