
Thursday, June 09, 2011

[Pix] Kyu Jong Off to Japan for 'Goong' 06.08.110

Kyu Jong left for Japan yesterday to start rehearsals for the musical Goong. I was looking for photos and was surprised to find out that HeStory was at Incheon to see off KyuJong and took photos of him to share some with us. And here are the photos the club is only sharing.


  1. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Euwww his long legs. He will be mistaken as a supermodel easily!

  2. Lee Dewi / 이대위12:50 PM

    Kyu Jongie...the long legs...cant decide should be happy or sad to see. Happy coz I'm a long leg lover ~esp those belong to SS501 members ^^v ~ or sad coz they make him look so skinny...aigoo...

  3. Anonymous12:58 PM

    What is he doing in the first few pictures? Love love Kyu! I never want to have any idol as my boyfriend this bad! :D

  4. slimz18081:39 PM

    @12.58, if u watch the Video.. he and his mgr (I suppose that's mgr) seems to be playing catching like little boys! quite funny =D

    The last pict posture looks bad.. haa.. but if I'm not wrong, he was doing a series of yawns and stretching in the original picture flows

  5. Anonymous2:01 PM

    he should gain weight! i think with 10 kgs more he would look even more better and healthier!
    his long skinny legs aren't sexy at all.

  6. Anonymous10:25 PM

    oh my, he has stick legs! KJ, please eat more. T_T
    but still, he's so KYUT! ^_^

  7. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Eh! He's becoming like PJM when he was promoting his album, sooo thin! Kyu Jong-Q, please don't lose so much weight cos it's not healthy! Let's hope he doesn't wait until after his musical to put on weight... Hope his 2 hyungs will advise him to put on some weight.
