
Monday, June 27, 2011

[Pix] Welcome Back Kyu Jong! 06.27.11

Kyu Jong is back from Japan after more than two weeks of staying in Kyoto for his first musical play 'Goong'. The show is very successful that even if Kyu Jong is not playing for this week as Prince Shin, the shows are already sold out. Congratulations to Kyu Jong and the rest of the casts of the musical.

Following photos of Kyu Jong's arrival at Gimpo were lifted from Baidu which came from

This swf file I got from Lois' blog. Thanks!

To play again, right click then play.


  1. Nice to see him back to Seoul. He must have missed his home. Hope he can have a good break and good rest.

  2. Anonymous12:19 AM

    He must brought all the gifts and presents home! Look how bulky his luggage!
