
Sunday, July 31, 2011

[Article & Vid] Hyun Joong Got Exposed by Friends

Super thanks to wonderrrgirl for translating this article on her blog. Thanks too for providing the link to where we can watch the cut of Hyun Joong from 'Secret'.


[News] ‘Secret’ KHJ, friends from chicken shop exposed ‘startling’ secrets

Source: hankyung
Translation: Wonderrrgirl

For this, the veiled friends of Kim Hyunjoong has been made known to the public.

On the 30th of July KBS 2TV ‘Saturday Freedom’, the friends of Kim Hyun Joong who runs the chicken shop were broadcasted on Secret. Kim Hyun Joong’s friends made an appearance and revealed many of their childhood memories together.

His friends revealed how they had to do his part-time job on behalf of him, making Kim Hyun Joong flustered. However, their tight friendship has filled the studio with warmth.

Also, his friends also brought the chicken they’ve prepared as they made a surprise visit to the recording studio to give support to Kim Hyun Joong who was in the midst of recording the episode. Once again those who haven’t been able to speak during the interviews beforehand are now able to speak their mind.

Without any advance notice, the flustered expressions on Kim Hyun Joong’s face became apparent, as he shortly broke into many bright smiles. Until this moment the MCs caught the brighest expression on Hyun Joong’s face as they applauded their extraordinary friendships.

Meanwhile for the episode, other than Kim Hyun Joong, Tony An, Kim Jong Min, Eun Ji Won, Narsha, Lee Su Geun, Nana etc have struggled alone as more of their secrets where revealed during broadcast.

The tight friendships that Kim Hyun Joong had with his friends were confirmed on the 30th of July episode of Secret on KBS2 ‘Saturday Freedom”


Here's the cut from KBS 'Secret' of Hyun Jong from the YT of .


  1. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Who cannot love Hyun Joong?
    I'm proud of you, Hyun Joong ah.

  2. Anonymous2:29 PM

    do even understand a word, but his bright smile already fill up my day ......

  3. Anonymous11:13 PM

    i personally not that fond of others personal affairs. but I cannot help myself to became addicted to khjL. Still I hope what call secrets in this show is just for entertainment but no need to be serious ......
    i do not want our leader get hurt ......

  4. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Can't but love him! His smile always drops my worries off and brings happiness. Thank you dearest hyunjoong!!
