
Saturday, July 30, 2011

[FanCam] Jung Min Inside a Hair Salon 07.28.11

Looks like everywhere Jung Min goes (actually any foreign actors in Taiwan) there seems to be fans tailing him. Here is a fancam posted by in YT of Jung Min having his hair done in a salon on the 28th of July.

Much thanks to MarsCharisma for the tip on the link from her tweet.


  1. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I think Jung Min is really smart and has a vibrant personality and probably is a very nice guy. He can go far in his career. He has lots of fans.
    He is looking pretty good nowadays, but I can't help but feel that he is always consciously posing whenever he is photographed or comes on camera. He seems to switch on - the pouting, the bright eyes,the bright smiles, the ohs and ahs that shape the lips,and every movement - right on cue for the cameras.
    Beat me with a stick, but I find that really sad. He doesn't have to do that anymore. He has more than the few minutes on the stage nowadays. So he should relax and be more natural.

  2. Anonymous9:08 PM

    wow so I'm not the only one who gets that feeling
    ...actually I've always liked Jung Min's voice most of all the SS501 members, but it seems to me that he is so often "acting cute" that I am more drawn to Hyung Jun who seems more spontaneous and natural....

  3. Anonymous10:23 PM

    How do you people know that he's not like this most of the time? His fans like the way he acts and even if he's putting on a show for them cause of the camera, its making the fans happy and I don't see why that's an issue.
    People will find anything to criticize these days. If he was being cold, you would see people complaining about that too.

  4. Anonymous10:55 PM

    I think it is fair that you think that he is not acting, I have no quarrel with that but I just get that feeling otherwise.I have an observation and think I am entitled to my opinion as well.
    All SS501 members need not be defended, they are what they are. But sometimes there will be criticism and if fairly given should be accepted with grace as well. There is something called constructive criticism and it is given with no malice and no offence is meant so none should be taken.
    Sorry if you his fan is hurt by it. Just not meant to hurt anyone.

    Anonymous at 5.21pm

  5. Anonymous1:18 AM

    I don't like the way JM acts for camera, so I cannot support him.

  6. Anonymous1:36 AM

    What how can people say i don't like or support how jung min acts in the camera...I'm sorry thats completely stupid and immature!
    He is a kpop idol! he gives what the fans want..
    They have a certain image to maintain..and I am pretty happy he does act differently outside the stage .. its better if people don't know his real side.. because ppl are already criticizing for this image.

  7. Anonymous1:55 AM

    mal has worked very hard and done really well for himself and most of all he is a wonderful human being very happy and beaming for him

    same goes to all the other 4 memebers all of them have worked hard and exccel in each own way damn proud of them

  8. sinthia4:41 AM

    well, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I never though somebody could think he is faking his smile! O.O
    Now I can understand why some people don't like him.
    Personally I love how he acts, but to each his my opinion he acts the right way. I don't think he does that only to the cameras, but to his fans. I love the fact he is always concerned about his fans that keep following and supporting him anywhere. I don't expect anything else from him than to see him smiling to demonstrate that he cares when there are people around showing their affection to him.
    Maybe sometimes he is forcing an smile? maybe yes...we don't know that. An person must not be in a good mood all the time. But to me is much better see how he is trying to show his bright side than a cold side. If someday I can go Korea to see him and he doesn't smile to me I think I'd throw my shoe on him! xD (just joking :b, I never would ruin that face *-*) Anyway, I prefer how he acts than see JM passing by his fans and doesn't even look to them. That would be shocking!!!

  9. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Oh, come on .......
    from the day we get to know him, we know that this is a real of him.
    he is just being himself. there is no need to think otherwise.
    just support & love him as much as you can.....

  10. Anonymous5:48 AM

    I think people are being too harsh to jungmin.. he has worked very hard to get where he is ..
    I'm really disappointed at some tripple s.. it seems that the he can't anything right .. he is not perfect

  11. Anonymous5:58 AM

    wow! I can't believe what other people are saying about him. First of all, since the day of SS501's debut, he has been that cheerful guy who is a lil bit tactless and stays true to himself.

    Regarding the fan service, it surprised me that someone would complain about it. I find it weird. At least he has the EFFORT to put on an act, if that's what you're saying. That means he values his fans and understands how he would reciprocate the love he is receiving from them.

    An idol who would ignore fans and wouldn't even smile for the camera, is that the type you would consider "being true to him/herself?" That's what you call arrogance!

    ...and Jung Min, he knows how to level himself with the fans and makes the effort to do things for them. His acts only reflect appreciation.

    If you're going to ask me, Jung Min is being consistent with his motto in life - "Always be thankful." His fan service (which some people think he's faking it) is just a way of giving thanks.

  12. sinthia6:17 AM

    I totally agree with you anon 5:58!

  13. Anonymous7:54 AM

    For me "idols" are there to entertain us (the fans)and to brighten our mostly boring and sometimes stressful daily life.

    And JUNG MIN is my ideal 'idol'. It mades me happy when I see him providing great fan service to his fans no matter where they see him. He acknowledges his fans and do things to show he knows that they are there. Since he is unable to talk to them in some situations, he put on some acts for them. we as his fans love him for it.

    Just like Sinthia, I would be really upset if he does not smile at me and acknowledge me when I see him.

    Of course there are people who prefer their idols to be "cold', unresponsive and totally ignore them. Thats how I behave when I see strangers. I guess this is what 'natural' behaviour is. If a fan gets entertained by such behaviour, well.....all i can say is....everybody has different taste and different expectations from their idols.

  14. Anonymous8:22 AM

    The number of ppl who like JM is not much.

  15. Anonymous8:58 AM

    wtf u want some idol that has big ego and is cold towards people ... jungmin is the totally the opposite he is sweet and humble towards his fans and ppl around him... I hope he never changes unlike some idols who became cold towards the years
    I will always support him and he deserves much love and respect !

  16. Anonymous9:03 AM

    well not only like JM but LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEE him to death

  17. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Anonymous 8:22 AM
    you know what im just curious.what the hell is your problem .but you are acting like a sore loser .a complete bitch in my opinion .frankly i dont give a damn what you think im sure jung min doesnt you can just shut up or simply die i have put up with you and your likes far too much for too i would be grateful if you dont talk trash about him.coz i dont want him too be a star who every one likes and does not deserve a minute of it.he has proved by time than he is talented beyond words .and im sure he is ten times better than your stupid idol anyway.for the record i cant believe liezle has not said anything about your stupid comment if this was a hyun joong case the comment box would be banned a long time ago.such a shame.

  18. I love Jungmin the most among the rest not because of his looks or his talent, but because of his attitude! I simply love him just the way he is...i have no qualms of who he was or who he is becoming... "Jungmin, you're amazing just the way you are." =D

  19. Anonymous10:56 AM

    As someone said I hope Min never changes. If he becomes like one of those cold idols it would be truly heartbreaking. I have faith that Min will never become arrogant and cold and will always remain kind, friendly and the king of fanservice.

  20. just woke up and read all the comments here. i am actually debating whether to shutdown this comment box or not. but i think shutting down is a good option as i can read comparison already and i am pretty sure fans will be defending soon. but before i do that, here's my two cents worth of thought...

    jung min is such a sweetheart and on and off the camera he's a dear. never thought that he's putting a show. he has a bright personality which fans and non-fans like. he makes fans who wait for him for hours at the airport happy and forget about the hours of waiting as he waves, flashes his smile and listens to their screams and cheers even for just a few secs/mins. even Hyun Joong is grateful/amaze of his personality and energy.

    Since the beginning of SS501 Jung Min is already the bubbly and most friendly amongst fans. If one only gets to know him recently, I understand if some of you think that he's not being himself and just putting a show to fans. But I tell you... he is not. And I guess even if gets old Jung Min will always be the Mr. Congeniality and Mr. Fan Service.

