
Friday, July 29, 2011

[Media Pix] Hyun Joong @ Break Down PressCon & Showcase 07.29.11

Today in Tokyo, Hyun Joong the first leg of 'Break Down'. But before the showcase, a presscon was held which was attended by 300 media. At the presscon he mentioned that in November, Hyun Joong will have a Japan tour. Cities that he will be visiting are Sapporo, Sendai, Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Hiroshima and Fukuoka.

During Break Down showcase, Hyun Joong sang 4 songs.

Below are photos lifted from different media portals. Thanks to veggiedelight for the email.

According to news there were about 1,800 fans in attendance.


  1. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Wow 1800 in attendance despite news stating 1500 originally.My guess 1500 legal human entry extra 300 illegal alien entry....hehehe just kidding folks

  2. Anonymous11:10 PM

    @the above anonymous - 300 illegal aliens, Hahahaha.... I guess that must be it.

    It's great news for Hyun Joong, hope he has a good time, and takes care of his health.

  3. Anonymous12:56 AM

    i agree with 300 illegal aliens XP

    i heard he perform Yes I Will, i want to watch it!

  4. Anonymous4:37 AM

    The 300 came in via laser beam to support the boss ,Uzoosin.

    Dis they all look like him only in miniature versions . Keke want to see.

  5. so i want to see the 300 aliens. are they female or male? i hope they are male.
    could we date them if they are as good looking as leader & as funny as him ?
    ha ha ......

  6. Anonymous6:19 PM

    They are all males looking and looks like the boss ,these Uzoonites only smaller .

    They are looking for tour guides so they can go around Japan without disturbing the boss.The boss as you know is having his album promotion. Wanna apply ?

  7. Anonymous5:57 AM

    i can be the tour guides for these aliens but it would be funnier if the head uzoonize include in our tour team.
    i will keep my eye on him specially . so no need to worry our adorable alien soldiers.

  8. Anonymous9:21 AM

    my aim is the boss,i gonna to kidnap him secretly, but i first have to beat down all the aliens soldiers which surround him.
    hi, there ......

  9. Anonymous10:09 AM

    i want to make friend with the aliens, so i might have chance to travel the outside space when they go back to their hometown.

  10. Anonymous1:24 PM

    i would love to become a one day alien if i can get a ticket to see leader there......

  11. Anonymous11:41 AM

    i only hope the alien soldiers will take good care of our leader if they are really there, please ......
