
Thursday, July 21, 2011

[Media Pix & Vid] Hyun Joong @ Mulberry F/W Product Presentation

In Cheongdamdong tonight, British designer of handbag brand Mulberry presented in today's event new products for 2011 F / W season. In the event, f (x) Sully, ParkYeJin, Choi Yeo, Choi Si Won, B1A4, Kim Hyun Joong and other stars are in attendance.

Here are media photos of Hyun Joong that I lifted from Daum and Naver search.

Video from Mulberry event lifted from the YT of .


  1. Anonymous11:49 PM

    WWHOOAAAhhhhh.... He's sooooooo beautiful. That second photo took my breath away.

  2. Anonymous12:16 AM


  3. Anonymous12:47 AM

    OMG!!! He's so good looking!!! I really love his simple but chic outfit. Why can't a guy like this walk into our lives??? LOL

  4. bellerina1:06 AM

    the boy is glowing.

    i swear he looks 19 and greek-god-in-making in his new hairdo/ color. ^^

    stay healthy and happy, hyun joongie~!!

  5. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Whoa!!!! That bag costs £1,300 in the Mulberry shop in Westfield mall, London. Hope he bags a modelling contract.

  6. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Still not liking the blond hair.

  7. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Handsome and young.

    Please keep healthy, Hyun Joong ah.

  8. Anonymous12:23 PM

    It's really a crime to be this good looking Hyun Joong ah....

  9. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Somebody, go n call the police! There's this person who keeps getting handsomer n more beautiful every single time we turn around! He's making his fans crazier every minute N that's a crime, I tell u! Everyday now, we are just waiting to hear about some of his noona/ahjumma fans collapsing cos of over-excitement or hyperventilation... Ya Hyun Joong-ah, why like dat, meh?

  10. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Can't agree more to anon 12:23 & 9:38.....hyun joong, were you reborne from an ancient greek God??? You make me breathless..... every day... sighs.... Stay healthy and happy, our dearest boy. That's all I want from you!

  11. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Love him, but dont like his new image esp his hair color TT"

  12. Anonymous11:17 AM

    leader, i am so crazy about your eyes. no one can beat you about that.
    so please take good care of them & treat them better for us.
    get some more sleep at lease, please ......

  13. Anonymous12:04 PM

    leader, leader, i love you, i miss you, i want to see you in real life.
    i am not able to make it right now. but i will keep my dream & hope on.
    hope you will come here in the near future ......

  14. pengfoo2:48 PM

    Wow! Talk about gorgeous and stunning! Hyun Joong fits the bill perfectly. He looks ethereal and so unbelievably handsome.
    I caught the whole video which showed all the other actor-models for the brand.To me, none can compare to HJ in the looks department. And the others are no push-overs either.So double WoW!!

  15. pengfoo2:54 PM

    HJ looks really healthy and well rested - rejuvenated. He may have found the fountain of youth,he keeps bouncing back looking younger and better.

  16. Anonymous3:17 PM

    leader, love you new style.
    you look good no it.

  17. Anonymous5:29 AM

    leader just suit in any style, love him so much
