
Saturday, July 02, 2011

[Media Pix] Hyun Joong's @ FC Men Soccer Game 07.02.11

FC Men had a game today against Miracle and there are photos posted on different portals. I am adding more photos from my post earlier as I've found quite a number of photos posted in DAUM.

Btw, FC Men won this game held at World Cup Stadium in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do.

Hyun Joong and JunSu


  1. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Eh? At the 3rd pic, is KHJL's arm being pulled by the other team's player? How dare he? Ya you! Don't play rough with our darling boy, please! And Hyun Joong-ah, please rest more for now cos you are looking rather worn-out again. Love you!

  2. mySSam5018:15 PM

    That player in the 3rd pic will be a dead-meat in few days! hahaha! (jokes) He pulled leader's arm!!! >.<

  3. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Hey you sleeping refree that is a foul play. That man who pulled uri hyunjoong should be given the red F4 card..
    Love to see these pictures.HJ looks mighty powerful and strong.

    FCmen no.9 fighting!!!

  4. Anonymous10:39 PM

    with his busy schedule he still found the time to play football. hyun joong please take a rest........

  5. Anonymous9:04 AM

    hyunjoong ah, please rest more and take care of yourself more...i'm always worried what if you're hurt while playing soccer.

  6. kj_neth0510:12 AM

    Good to see that despite his busy schedule he could still find time to play soccer. I understand the fact that his fans are worried about him that he might get too exhausted or might get injure. But I think because he loves soccer so much that he uses the game to relieve him of his stress i.e. from work
