
Monday, July 25, 2011

[Media Pix] Hyung Jun @ Fan Meeting in Taiwan by China Yes

I have actually been waiting for photos and videos from last night's fan meeting of Hyung Jun. Finally saw some earlier today but I don't have the luxury to post because I have been busy with work. Will try to post clear photos and vids a much as I can

Following photos and caption were lifted from ONLY JUN. Heaps of thanks once again.

English Translation: ONLY JUN (
Repost with full credits

Yes娱乐7月25日 台北报道 韩星金亨俊来台举办歌友会活动,他前日抵台时,吸引近百位热情歌迷到机场接机,粉丝们还送上礼物与鲜花,表达对他的欢迎,也提前替将过生日的他庆祝!
Yes Entertainment 25 July Reporting from Taipei
Korean star Kim Hyung Jun came to Taiwan to hold a Fan Meeting. When he arrived in Taiwan, he attracted nearly a hundred fans at the airport to welcome. Fans even presented him gifts and flowers to welcome him, and to celebrate his brithday in advance!

Kim Hyung Jun had his Fan Meeting at Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall last night(24th), and met his Taiwanese fans. The venue was packed with many supportive fans, therefore it was very crowded! Fans were holding lightsticks and fanboards, cheering on for their beloved idol.

Kim Hyung Jun sold out 60% of his Fan Meeting tickets, there were approximately 1300 people, in addition to performing 9 songs, he also played a game of Hugs with lucky fans; his SS501 member Park Jung Min coincidentally was also in Taiwan for filming, however he was not there to support his brother as what fans would expect him to be.

Kim Hyung Jun has already left Taiwan at 745am in the morning via flight CI160, he seemed to be unwilling to leave, and revealed that he would visit Taiwan again at the end of the year, hoping that fans would wait patiently for him.

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