
Saturday, July 30, 2011

More Pix of Young Saeng from ATI Basket Game 07.26.11

Thanks to Sudal (@SaengFamVn_Su) for the tip earlier on Twitter about photos shared by rmdkdl of Young Saeng playing basketball under ATI Basket team last July 26. If you miss the video I posted the other day as well as two photos you may click HERE.

This fellow who is always wearing jersey #17 whether on field to play baseball or indoor court to play basketball is a certified cutie. Enlarge the following photos to see for yourself.


  1. I really love that cheeky smile of him...^^ he looked so innocent on the 2nd and the 3rd pict. Thank you for posting Liezle....^^

  2. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Saengie really looks handsome without the make-up on...=D

  3. Anonymous10:27 PM

    My prince, I want to see him so bad. I wonder how to go about getting tickets for this.

  4. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Me like first picture too much.Looks pure innocent but bad your dimple too.Always youngseang(my new slogan for youngseang since hyunjoong is one and only)

  5. ki_neth0510:08 AM

    hope he gets busy with work soon. miss him singing...
