
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

[Vid] Hyun Joong @ Joon Du Yeon's 'MUST'

Tonight was the broadcast of Joon Du Yeon's "MUST" over at Mnet where Hyun Joong is one of the guests.

Here's a one of Hyun Joong's performance in the show uploaded by on YT. He is singing 'Fortunate'. Thanks to hyuniversal0606 for the tip on YT.


  1. Anonymous1:10 AM

    I miss listening to him singing this type of song.

    I hope he will include at least one ballad song in his next album.

  2. Anonymous1:19 AM

    me too

  3. Anonymous1:22 AM

    His voice is so soothing and full with emotions. Who says he can't sing live?

  4. Anonymous1:48 AM

    omg...thou cant reli understd wat is the meaning of the whole song, but its just so sensual to listen to way he uses his feelings to carry out the meaning of this song.. cool~ leader rocks

  5. Anonymous2:08 AM

    very touching.

  6. Anonymous3:03 AM

    My tears can't stop falling. Soo happy in many aspects for him. He may have the shortest vocal range but he has the ability to touch mine.

    What a man! Handsome hunk, charitable, honest wits, playful, unpretentious, ever loyal, determined to improve self, and loaded with talents. And can still stay modest! Am I fanatic or what???

    Hope the Ssangchu couple will reunite and this time for real.

  7. Anonymous4:16 AM

    And people say he can't sing, has a weak voice, and blah blah blah. They must be feeling pretty foolish right now cause I know that's how I feel when I am proven wrong.

  8. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Gosh, I have always love the way he sings...with so much passion, heart and emotions that it makes me tingle everywhere every time down to my bones. His voice is so gentle and soothing that he brings me happy tears.

  9. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Hyun Joong's voice is much better.
    It's so good for him to solo. He can show his talent, soft voice.
    Love and support Hyun Joong forever.

  10. Anonymous8:39 AM

    OMG! KHJ sang dis song 2 HB @ WGM. Pls do watch them @ You will never regret it!!! Believe me, d more u will fall in luv w/ him...

  11. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I like when he sing ballad. It makes my day. <3

  12. Anonymous9:54 AM

    His voice has improved but it still sounds strained. I don't think I like his voice with ballads. Doesn't seem to fit. Not everyone is meant to sing ballads

  13. Anonymous11:42 AM

    wow, khjL' voice is ......
    leader, i will never get tired of your sexy voice ......

  14. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Although he doesn't have the typical idol voice, he still has a great voice. I like the roughness in his voice. It draws out the emotions of the songs that he sings. For this, I think he's a great ballad singer. I don't think you need a smooth voice to be a ballad singer. Look at all the American rock ballad singers, they have rough voices but the ballads are amazing, full of emotions. I don't think people should be putting him down for his voice because it doesn't fall under the norm. It's different and that sets him apart from other idols. He's going to be around for a long time, unlike others. What I would give for him to come out with a rock album..... I don't care if people don't like the way he looks but it bugs the heck out of me when people say he CAN'T SING. HE CAN SING AND A GOOD SINGER!!!!

  15. khj, we have fell in love with your sexy voice, we really hope you will include 1 or 2 of ballads songs in your next albums.
    looking forward to your ballads songs......

  16. Anonymous12:03 PM

    A good singer is seriously stretching it.

  17. Anonymous12:14 PM

    khjL, Can you please just stand there & sing ballads although your sexy & power dancing have made us addicted ......

  18. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Sounds like the same bunch of people going around slamming KHJ. Don't think it will make any difference, he's taking off to become a megastar and you guys will be left behind. Feel bad for ya'll...

  19. Anonymous4:57 PM

    wahahaha! Ding!Dong! Hi-5 to you 2:03pm

  20. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Some ppl are just not happy when someone they always belittle/undervalue gains more popularity/love DESPITE their dissing... Deal with it my dears, a lot of ppl DO like his singing voice ! KHJ love, don't listen to these nay-sayers! You may not have the best singing voice but what you DO have is loved by so many so, Hwaiting, Kim Hyun Joong!

  21. bellerina9:57 PM

    I watched the entire 13 min clip, and I must say that his singing of Fortunate quite moved me, for some reason.
    I think beyond the technicalities of singing, it is more of the emotions that are evoked, that makes a person a good singer.
    I think Hyun Joong managed to do that with his rendition of the song~

  22. Anonymous11:49 PM

    I am not sure what you call a good singing voice. KHJ's voice moves me be it happy or sad song. I like listening to him sing.

  23. Anonymous12:49 AM

    @2:03 PM

    by the way,I hope for Rock Ballads from him..It would be DAEBAK!

  24. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Kim Hyun Joong, you move me.

  25. Anonymous12:06 AM

    I just LOVE khj's voice whether he speaks or sings, whatever....if a singer moves listeners' heart, he/she must be a great singer. His singing voice has something so attractive and sweet and moving to audience. Fighting khj!! Support and love you forever!

  26. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Hyunjoong, I feel like I could die if I hear you sing this song in front of me..........sooooo touching...and your facial expression is...speechless.....
