
Sunday, August 14, 2011

[Article] Hyun Joong in Taiwan for the 3rd Time

Heaps of thanks to Slam for doing the translation of this article on her blog for tweeting (@cll_slam10) happenings in Taiwan where the Hi5 is on going.


[News] Kim Hyun Joong 3rd Time To Taiwan, Fans Screams Welcome Him
Source: Taiwan Yahoo News
English Trans:
Pls repost with credits

Korean idol star Kim Hyun Joong arrived in Taiwan and will straight away rush down to the fanmeeting venue. But, Taoyuan Airport Control section and 1st arrival hall are all crowded with fans who were welcoming him, letting Kim Hyun Joong who is in a haste to quickly wave and greet the fans.

Kim Hyun Joong reached Taoyuan Airport at 12pm, but he deliberately waited till all the passengers have alighted, after that he then got off. A crowd of fans were there early to welcome him. When Kim Hyun Joong appeared, the fans whipped out their cameras and handphone eagerly taking pictures.

But, Kim Hyun Joong escorted by his entourage, quicken his pace,thru customs, with fans chasing all the way. When Kim Hyun Joong reached the arrival hall, huge horde of fans were there screaming welcoming him. Many fans lose control and tried to break thru the security barrier, some even fell down accidentally but fortunately nothing bad happen.

Kim Hyun waved several times to the fans, then he quickly boarded the awaiting car outside to Taipei.


Here are arrival media pix of Hyun Joong in Taiwan.

Here's news from Slam's blog as well.

Courtesy of ying5387D

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