
Sunday, August 21, 2011

[Photos] Cute Kyu Jong & Sexy Jung Min

I was really planning on posting anything about this two other members of SS501 before I hit the bed early. Good thing though that tweetpeeps tweeted new photos of them.

First thanks to reena29shadown for another photo of Kyu Jong taken on the same day his photo having a meal with cast of Goong was on the web last Friday, 19th of August and to cll_slam10 for tweeting this sexy photo of Jung Min.

from the tweet of @dauljjang

from: @JJangNew cyworld

by 新浪微薄


  1. Anonymous3:38 AM

    kya~ Kyu Jong is so cute, Jung Min so sexy! ^o^

  2. sinthia4:38 AM

    I wonder what is this JM's photo for? and... there will be more like that? kekekeke 8B

    Kyu is so cute, just like a child.<333

  3. Anonymous11:43 AM

    kyu jong is really really cute!! i love him in specs! haha... miss him so so so so much!!

  4. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Thanks ^_^

    I Always visiting this blog


  5. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Cutie-pie Gyu jong! Hmm, no comment on Jung Min...

  6. Anonymous10:39 PM

    kwang kwang kwang jungmin is ready to do some naughty stuff....wild imagination is running in my head!!!
