
Friday, August 26, 2011

[Pix] Kyu Jong in 'Best Couple'

News and photos of Kyu Jong being in the 'Best Couple' show of E-Channel has been going around for days. I intentionally did not post any of if since I do not have any idea then where and when this will be shown. All I know before this posting is that, Kyu Jong had a recording a few days ago that is why photos of him from the show are circulating.

I was just in Quainte501 and found the information about 'Best Couple' so I am shoving the info here. Thanks again to xiaochu!

'Best Couple' with Kyu Jong will be shown on the 17th of September at E-Channel at 12MN. Here are two photos from the recording courtesy of montag75 and @bestcouple Twitter account.

Here are photos from Kyu Jong fanclub HeStory. Thanks to veggiedelight for the email.

1 comment:

  1. slimz18083:01 PM

    its been a while since we got goodies from HeStory !!
