
Sunday, August 28, 2011

PressCon Recap and Photos of Hyun Joong @ Edsa Shangri-La 08.25.11

Super thanks to chae_yene for sharing these Q&A of Hyun Joong during the press conference of PolyEast Record that happened on the 25th of August at the Mindoro Ballroom, EDSA Shangri-La Hotel. The presscon was hosted by MYX VJ Bianca.

The presscon was supposed to start at 2:30 pm but it was delayed for two hours. There was no specified reason given.

Questions for the presscon were already pre-selected. VJ Bianca reads each questions to Hyun Joong. An interpreter for Hyun Joong is present but he is not that good and that it seems that his translation is somewhat incomplete.

Following is the recap in bullets of questions and answers of Hyun Joong sent to me by chae_yene. Please note that this is not totally verbatim of what the interpreter said but chae_yene did her best to be able to write the exact replies of Hyun Joong to the questions.

Kim Hyun Joong Press Conference for PolyEast Records
Venue: Mindoro Ballroom, EDSA Shangri-La Hotel
courtesy of chae_yene /
  • Hyun Joong was asked how was the trip. He replied that he was amazed at the fans who were gathered to meet him at the airport.
  • He sings, dances and acts, the next questions was what is the next field that he wishes to conquer? Hyun Joong replies that he wants to concentrate on both singing and acting.
  • As for the Break Down album, he was asked about what preparations are involved and how does he feel at the reaction of his fans about it. (interpreter's translation sounded jumbled) Hyun Joong said that more work was done and support from his fans will be greatly appreciated.
  • He was asked, as a fashion icon, what would he describe his style. He said the he prefers black and something steady.
  • With regard to the question about how he feels to be a solo artist for the past year. He replied that there were a lot of actions and moments . Also to expect more.
  • About his next project, Hyun Joong said that in October his second album will be released. Then on December will be the start of his Asian Concert Tour. He mentioned that they will try to include Philippines in it.
  • Someone asked if it is true about a free concert for Triple S fans. He said that there is a plan but not sure os of this time.
  • He was asked which MV in Break Down is his favorite. He could not choose any as he tried his best in all of the MVs in the album.
  • Then someone from the audience asked 'How about Kiss Kiss?' Hyun Joong said that Kiss Kiss is the lowest budgeted MV. With that answer, there was laughter in the room.
  • There was a question about what inspires him in conceptualizing his MV. He said that there is no certain time. He added that when he gets idea he writes it down on his iPad or whichever.
  • What are the three things which make him happy. He replied, that all the thins that he loves to do are involved in what he is currently doing which are singing and acting.
  • There is a question , who are his musical influences. He said that there are a lot of Korean musicians who helped him get to where he is today but if he has to choose it would be Seo Taiji, the legend.
  • He was asked, what he loves most about performing. He said that if he is on the state and energy is starting to burn up and he feels tired, but when he makes contact to fans it re-charges him. The most important is the love from fans.
  • Between acting and singing he was asked which he prefers. He said that he would choose both as both are his profession.
  • Someone asked if he write songs and Hyun Joong said that he tries to compose.
  • With regard to the Break Down album once again, he was asked what is his favorite track. He replied that most of the songs there are great but if he has to choose one Break Down is the best.
  • There is a question about appearing in a drama or movie. He said that after the Asian concert tour next year he will be doing a drama then probably a movie too.
  • About the role he would like to play. He said that he wants a role of a man with full of charisma. Then the host said that he is already full of it and the audience reacted agreeing to what she said.
  • Finally his message to his Filipino fans. Hyun Joong said, "Thank you for all the love that you are showing me... there will be better songs and better performances."
Well, that is it for the presscon last Thursday. Thanks to chae_yene for being there and for giving us the recap.

Now, let me share with you here the photos of VJ Bianca with Hyun Joong at a solo interview probably for MYX at the Summer Palace in Edsa Shangri-La and few photos at the presscon at the Mindoro Ballroom of the same hotel.

Photos were lifted from Jude Thaddeus L. Bautista @

VJBianca with Hyun Joong and MYX channel manager MilaLabendia

At the presscon...

Hyun Joong with his interpreter.

Audi A18 picks up Hyun Joong from the
basement parking ofEdsa Shangri-La
to Trinoma for the Hi5 event.


  1. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Thanks a lot!

  2. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Seems like we won't be seeing a reunion anytime soon then? Wish them all the best till they come back as five again! :D
