
Friday, August 12, 2011

[Vids & Pix] Hyun Joong Fan Signing @ Queen Plaza in Vietnnam 08.12.11

Much thanks to and for tweeting the link to 's short vids of Hyun Joong from the fan signing event that happened today at Queen Plaza in Vietnam.

Here are highlights from the fan signing event from the tweets of News_tsvn I read:
  • Hyun Joong gave presents to the winner of TFS contest and the winners had photo op with him
  • 3 TheFaceShop standees were put in auction
  • The 1st standee was sold at the price of 9,500,000 VND (approx. 450 USD)
  • 2nd standee went to the highest bidder at 10,000,000 VND (approx. 500 USD)
  • 3rd standee has the price of 11,500,000 VND (approx. 580 USD)
  • soccer jersey that Hyun Joong wore was put in auction
  • the jersey was sold sold at 19,000,000VND
  • total amount gathered at the auction totaled to 206.000.000 VND (approx 9,800 USD) [liezle: the total amount includes the sales of the 3 colored bracelet that fans sold and donated to Operation Smile project. Thanks to GreenPeaHaAnh for the tweet]
  • the winner at the auction had a chance to have a photo op with Hyun Joong
  • according to Hyun Joong he will go back to Vietnam next year for a a showcase

And here are meida photos from from the same event.


  1. bellerina1:18 AM

    so handsome, i can hardly breathe.... ^^

  2. sinthia11:16 AM

    loved his hair style...^^ really cute!<3

  3. Anonymous1:36 PM

    The gods of Mt Olympus sent its youngest son to Vietnam !

  4. Anonymous1:44 PM

    OMG So good looking!!!!!!!!!! That's all I thought about while scrolling down to look at his pictures. :)

  5. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I wish I am the winds

    so I can play with your gently

    tousled golden hair

    so I can drop flowers on your lap

    and a leaf on your shoulder to make

    you smile

    I wish I am the winds

    to whisper sweet nothings in your ears

    to gently touch your cheeks

    to kiss your lips and feel your


    to ease the pain your eyes show

    How I wish I am the winds

    so everyday I'd be by your side

  6. Anonymous2:57 PM

    @anon 1:44 pm Applause!!! Woah!That's a good one! I think you've captured the essence of the fervent wish of most of our darling KHJ's fans...

  7. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Wow, very touching. Please write some more ……
    But I do not want you to be winds,
    Just be one of the real real fans of our beloved leader.
    So leader can feel your support & love ……

  8. Anonymous5:30 PM

    love @1:44 very much.
    please contribute more ......

  9. Anonymous7:44 AM

    so it is not bad to be wind if it can be so close to leader & can do sth for him ......
    @1:44 love ......

  10. Anonymous3:49 PM

    handsome leader like a big big school boy ......

  11. Anonymous12:03 PM

    picture @9
    leader's eyes like 2 shining black diamonds ......
