
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[Article] Newsen's Interview with Kyu Jong

Much thanks to Ode for the translation of this interview by Newsen to Kyu Jong and sharing on her blog.

I really like Kyu Jong. He has remain humble all through out the years. Who wouldn't love this SS501 forever center?


[Interview] Kyu Jong’s interview with Newsen
Source: Newsen
English translation: ode @

Kim Kyu Jong has debuted as a solo. While his SS501 members were carrying out their solo activities, Kim Kyu Jong was instead collating his experiences through the broadway stage, and thus, has became the final one in SS501 to hold a solo debut.

He said, “it wasn’t intended like that initially”, and was referring to it not being his original intention to become the final one to hold a solo debut. “I did not have that thought at all, but somehow I still became the final relayer. To be honest I had thought Youngsaeng-hyung would be the fastest to release an album, so I really didn’t expect all the others to release theirs that fast at that speed”…, as he laughed and talked about it.

“The members who released their albums before me began to do really well as they progressed, and burden came to me too. Of course if my album would turn out great will be best, but because my role in the team is to balance the team well with everyone equally-weighted, it will just be enough if people will think that ‘Kim Kyu Jong is actually quite a not-bad person(singer)’, rather than me becoming a shocking hit with my solo debut…”, disclosing his modest yet determined aim.

“As I await for our SS501 album where we shall re-unite anytime, I also want to end this solo debut off well”, as Kim Kyu Jong also disclosed that SS501 is not an end for him, but instead is a name with new challenges ahead to attain for. “All of us have the thought to do a SS501 album together. For now, to speak honestly, it is still difficult. All of us have the heart and intention to do so, but right now, it’s the period to focus more on our individual work”, as he explained.

“To be honest, there were alot of talks about SS501. Alot of talks like how there was only Kim Hyun Joong enough in SS501, etc.. Hyunjoong-hyung, as well as our other members were very hurt”…, “As we do our individual activities, we also build up experiences, and then one day when we re-unite, those experiences we gained will then become a strong strength. In that case then, we won’t be over-covering anyone at all, and every one will be equal. With such thoughts in mind, we will hence turn to put in more effort to work harder”, as he divulged his inner feelings.

“Though we’re all very busy, there is some things I really want to do. The first will be for each of us to release each of our album every year. And then on year-end concerts or big festivals, each of us will sing our own parts, plus also a few verses of our past solo songs combined together; I think it would be so fun”, as Kim Kyu Jong seemed to really enjoy planning such plans in his mind.

He continued, “Actually we have always been the same (friendship). Not long ago, I went to Hyung Jun’s birthday party, but people were all saying that it was done deliberately to not call me over. I think it’s because we’re too close that misunderstandings will surface. Even in Youngsaeng-hyung’s case, we actually meet up very often, but many people still ask us ‘are you two not close?’… This is not something to be vague about, if you are close to someone, must you actually really act close by greeting one another and such?”, as he displayed his neverchanging friendship with his members.

In particular, Heo Young Saeng even made a rendering support by doing a rap featuring in one of Kyu Jong’s song ‘MY LOVE’. Kyu Jong explained, “Because I wanted it to become memories so I specially requested for him to do it, but he fretted and didn’t know how to do rap because he thought he couldn’t. But in the end it turned out really well. Besides the instrument sound, the rap part had turned out with all but Youngsaeng-hyung’s own voice”, as he felt so satisfied by saying that.

Kim Kyu Jong who has shown his deep affections for his members and his group has returned with his 1st solo album ‘TURN ME ON’. In which his title song ‘YESTERDAY’ was produced by the hit producer Han Sang-won who had also produced SS501′s hit song ‘U R MAN’. As the title song progresses toward the end, deeper feelings were expressed. This title song may be similar to ‘YESTERDAY’‘U R MAN’, but it is also very obvious that it has a different trait to it, and will be sure to appeal towards the music fans in another different manner.


  1. He is very frank and sincere and thus so lovely. SS501 is five, that's it. Only one will never be SS501. There is no need to act close if you are not and no need to show others if you are close. Good guy, Kyu Jong.

    YS fret over the rap? I am also very surprise he did well :) and willing to do it. All in the name of friendship.

  2. white7:41 PM

    love this interview :')
    kyu's really a warm hearted boy~~
    i miss SS501 so much, but i'm gonna wait patiently...!!!
    when all of them are ready, it's sure to be a blassssst! ^ ^

  3. Anonymous8:03 PM

    love this guy very much..
    everytime he tells about SS501 I very touched...

    sweet guy,.with sweet mind..

    trough this guy...I never lost my spirit to wait SS501 comeback...

    I love all about SS501,.They are the first Korean artist who make me love Kpop...

  4. sinthia8:31 PM

    Kyu always so adorable. He is surely the center frm ss501. Love the way he talks about their friendship and how he shows his wish to comeback with members! ^^
    I'll support them no matter what,even if they take a long time to comeback as SS501, I'll wait giving all my love to all them in their solo careers.

  5. Anonymous8:38 PM

    '...if you are close to someone, must you actually really act close by greeting one another and such?' Good one, Kyu Jong-Q! Hear that ppl/fans? Some of you keep on these annoying refrain of questioning the members as well as accusing them of not being close or supportive, blah, blah, whenever they are not seen at one or the other members comeback/birthday etc. Kindly read this from the eternal centre and hopefully the message comes across crystal clear. So ppl/fans, no more melodramas please so the boys will not be hurt by the senseless reasonings/arguments. SS501 Hwaiting!

  6. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Kyujong never fails to bring the balance within the group. He is very sensible, and it seems like he always know how to put and say things at the right perspective. Loving him and the group more and more!

  7. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Even though he`s not my bias,I love reading Kyu`s messages and interviews the most,they never fail to warm my heart.

    Hope Kyu will find great success with his solo activities,he deserves all the love in this world,as for SS501 I`ll wait no matter how long it takes.For now I just wish all of them to be successful and happy,living their dreams.
    Love them all forever!

  8. Thanks so much for sharing, Ode & Liezle!

    I love reading KJ's messages/interviews the most, too. He's just so humble, kind-hearted, warm, sensible, thoughtful, eloquent, and absolutely sincere. ♥

    Even when he's doing solo, he still views his role as SS501's center and only strives to make the group name and fans proud, rather than personal glory. And I agree, KJ always knows exactly what to say to keep peace, about SS501's eventual comeback and their close bonds that need no explanation or proof. He's truly the Center. ♥

  9. Have been calling them my "Boys" but I can't really do that any more... Each has grown and matured into very thoughtful "young men". They are all trying new things and venturing out... Gosh...

    Great to read that Kyu is taking things all in stride... He seems to have found a balance within himself and appears more confident and self assured... Couldn't be happier! :)

  10. Anonymous1:37 PM

    True Kyujong is the peace-keeper and anxiety reliever for SS501 fans.We can trust kyujong to give warm information ragarding ss501 members when news are few about them nowadays.

    Kim kyujong manse!!!
    Kim kyujong fighting!!!

  11. ping01191:02 AM

    I still call them my boys even though I'm younger than them XD

  12. Anonymous9:16 AM


    this interview once again proves, strengthens and enforces that the 5 are still communicating, seeing, conferring with each one

    to those who still insist that SS501 is no this line: shut your pie hole and BELIEVE
