
Sunday, September 18, 2011

[FanCams] Young Saeng's Arrival & Kyu Jong @ the Ending o f 'Goong' 09.17.11

Much thanks to fans who took time to get video of Young Saeng at the theater where he watched Kyu Jong on the first day of the staging fo the musical 'Goong'.

Vid courtesy of courtesy of BestYS uploaded by on YT

Vid courtesy of HJxYS uploaded by

Vid courtesy of <span style=">wangjanmin uploaded on YT by


  1. I really admire and respect these fans who manage to capture all these videos when there are so many audience who attended the musical. And matching the videos with wonderful songs. Thank you so so so much!

  2. LOL... Look at him...

    When I look at him I get the feeling he's feeling awkward/uncomfortable with the situation. Could be only my impression though.

    I get the impression he's a dangerous criminal who's hauled off. Like the security leads him and the way he's holding his sunglasses with both hands... As you don't really see the glasses, it gives the impression of handcuffs...

    oh oh, poor guy... ^_^'

  3. Ya, Chara, that is what I thought too. He is really uncomfortable with the attention he is getting. Dare not even look around. Guess, his shy personality couldn't be changed so easily. But he keeps looking younger even though he gets older. Some people just will not age? Adorable guy.

  4. Chara8:59 PM

    Was it you, asking me earlier about Soribada? Well, if so: No, we still aren't able to DL music from there as foreigners. And even streaming, we can't do anymore. Since we are only able to log in into soribada with the card nr. (we no longer can get) we can't stream songs any longer. Well, only for a minute, but not the whole song. Buying K-Pop music legally has become nearly impossible now, hm? What a *** strategy.

  5. Hello Chara, I was the one. Thanks for replying. I can download in the English Site, just cannot stream. Can't help them much then.
