
Friday, September 30, 2011

[Trans] Hyun Joong's Message #11 on his KOB (

I guess this translation of wonderrrgirl has been posted in almost all Hyun Joong related blogs and fora as well as SS501. Hee, I am late is posting this because I just got home.

Since the album will be out soon Hyun Joong left a message on his korean official board, [also at Henecia] to give us updates on the progress of his upcoming album 'Lucky'.

Ei, the tone of his message is a bit 4Dness. Hmm... ^_^


[Trans] 11th message from Kim Hyun Joong on KEYEAST site
Translation: Wonderrrgirl @
*Please repost only with FULL credits*

Recently I haven’t even written my excuse of being so busy here…..because I’ve forgotten my I.D and my password, so I couldn’t write a message…… Anyway this is just an excuse, therefore I’m giving all of you photos of what I’ve been up to recently as a present.

Art and Matic are sitting now begging for food

Myself during recording, taken by my manager who are worn out from standing and are going off to bed keke

Finally, the master CD of my second album has reached my hands

Because it can’t be released…………^^ I must keep it quickly into the safebox hehe

For your information, my limited edition album and the first album’s master CD are inside the safebox. People with ulterior motives please don’t hover about outside my house

Finally my second album is done ^^ On 20 October I’ll try my best to make it the best stage. Don’t give ten of thousands of anticipation but please give it a hundred thousand of anticipation. Everyone please do it within your comfy zone of support, okay?????????

Tomorrow I’ll be filming the music video. I hope you’ll anticipate this amazing video ^^ I’m thankful and because tomorrow I will be filming from midnight onwards, meanwhile I’ll watch a movie and try to get some sleep.

So, please be mindful of not catching a cold and everyone, until the 20th, please recharge yourself, because there will be 3 weeks of promotional activities … ^^;;;

Because we must have fun fully for a short time………… thank you all for giving me so much intangible power that I can always rely on during my hard times ^^


  1. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I just love this man! I can't wait for this album to be released. Want to order it now!

  2. Anonymous10:43 PM

    4D as always...

  3. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Yea, always 4D, but I can understand this msg.

  4. Anonymous9:21 AM

    happy to see him played with art & matic, on the other hand, it tell us he was having a break, maybe it is short, but better than none.
    hope he will have a smooth time during filming his album MVs.
    and hope all the MVs will come out great even exceed the 1st solo ones ^^

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I love him too. :)

    My favorite part: "Don’t give ten of thousands of anticipation but please give it a hundred thousand of anticipation. Everyone please do it within your comfy zone of support, okay?????????" Only he can come up with something like this to say. LOL

  6. Anonymous10:52 AM

    anon @ 9:23

    I agree.. its only him who can think of such things to say and get away with it.. nothing he says is wierd anymore but still so much fun to read.. lol
    am glad he is now comfortable enough to reach out to his fans.. will be anticipating more of his 4D humor.. hope he gets a twitter account soon too..

  7. Anonymous2:50 PM
    has a more accurate translation i think, the "comfy zone of support" is the "coffee" and "ra-myeon" thing???
    4D as always

  8. Anonymous3:11 AM

    leader, no worry, we will keep an eye on your door ^^
    so no worry, just concentrate on what you are going to do
    all the best

  9. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Waiting with anticipation for your 2nd album. May you encounter many LUCKY days in the months to come.
