
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[Pix & Trans] Hyun Joong Back in Korea 09.10.11 by Attraction

Hyun Joong is back to his mother land after being a way for several days. He left on the 15th to go to Shenzhen to attend the 'Super Perfect' concert then went to Japan to fulfill his commitments to the new product he is endorsing HeatFact.

Now that he is back in Korea, I believe that he will be busy for the preparation of his upcoming album as we've been reading tweets from Lyle Beniga that they're already done with the choreography and if I am not mistaken he's already gone back to the US. Anyway, from Lyle Beniga's tweet he said that "Proud of the new stuff we have & khj fans wont be disappointed in the new music! Way different from last album:)"

While we await for news about his upcoming album, let me share first with you the Notice from KHJ JOB [Japanese Official Website] about Hyun Joong's arrival in Korea with miyo's translation posted on LoveKimHyunJoong and photos taken by the shutterbug of ATTRACTION at Gimpo Airport tonight when Hyun Joong arrived with his entourage. Thanks to veggiedelight for sending the email.


[Trans] Kim Hyun Joong Has Returned
20th September 2011
Japanese~English Translation: miyo

Kim Hyun Joong has returned and on his way back on the evening flight.

During this trip to Japan, AEON「HEATFACT」 CM filming, interview, press conference event etc. went well with everyone's support. Thank you.

Furthermore, we are very happy with everyone's warm cheer and power at the press conference event.

The album is scheduled to be release next month, also look forward to meet everyone from around the country at the nationwide tour in November.


Following are photos from ATTRACTION.


  1. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Glad you are back home safe and sound. Love you for working so hard. Please take a rest.

  2. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Hurray! Hyun Joong is back. Missed him.

  3. Anonymous1:22 AM

    He is a jollywell good fellow he is a jollywell good fellow..he is a jolllywellll goooodfellowwww..nobody can deny...hick hick im drunk in happiness cause hyunjoong is back home safely..

  4. Anonymous2:51 AM

    Japan is getting to be his second home.But really the homeland is still the best home. Home is where the heart is,right Hyun Joong ?

  5. Anonymous6:30 AM

    He looks so hot!!!

  6. Anonymous8:41 AM

    After all the hard work, home to be with his family and Art & Matic! Haha.

  7. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Rest well, Hyun Joong ah.

  8. Anonymous9:03 PM

    He looks good in the simpliest of clothing. A hat for every season.

  9. Anonymous12:02 AM

    With just a simple shirt and hat, hyunjoong shines brightly. Take some rest wuri hyunjoong!

  10. Anonymous9:25 AM

    So handsome in simple clothes. No need trying so hard. Love him.

  11. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Ever the fashion icon. So manly.Wow!

  12. Anonymous12:13 AM

    He just wears clothes well. Even a sack will look good on him. How are you dear Leader. Please keep healthy.
    Be happy. lots of love.
