
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[Trans] Kyu Jong's Message on his Japan Webby

Kyu Jong left a message on his Japanese official website thanking his Japanese supporters and giving a little update on what he's been up and about. Read below translation courtesy of xiaochu posted on Quainte501 and know what Kyu Jong chose to name his Japanese fanclub which means 'Shiny Kyu'.


[Trans] KyuJong's Message at Japan Website
Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @


xiaochu : Please let me know if there's anything wrong with the trans.
I can't really read cursive Korean handwritings..but the trans should be more or less like this..

ThankYU JAPAN~~ Kyupika! ^^

I, KyuJong, recently~
Is practicing for Musical ‘Goong’!
And is at the peak of preparing for my solo album ^^
Thank you for always giving me strength..
Sometimes when I am tired, everyone gives me the strength!^^
I must repay you~ ♥ You know my heart right?^^ Yeah~


Btw, I just read on Twitter that Kyu Jong and Young Saeng will be having two fan meetings in Japan on the 4th of November (afternoon and evening) at Hibiya Public Hall, Tokyo.

Lucky, lucky Japanese fans! Don't miss this chance, k?


  1. slimz180812:08 AM

    check out the video of his msg to Jap fans here

    Kor/Jap trans to CHN taken from

    Hi Everyone,I'm KyuJong (YEAH)!
    The FC has been opened for about 1.5 months.
    Let me say a word of Thanks to everyone here.
    The FC name, which was created by me and every fan, has been been decided as ThanKYU Japan Kyupi*ka.
    Applause everyone! (cheers)
    Kyupi*ka is really a cute name [[as explained by chinese fans: kyu pi shinny, kyupi is the nickname jap fans had for kyu!]].
    I'm now currently busy with Goong's rehearsals and also working hard in producing my album.
    Working hard to display my most handsome image to all.
    Hence hope you can all take good care of your body and wait for our reunion.
    The weather nowadays have turned cold, pls take care and refrain from catching the flu bug.
    Kyupi*ka Fighting!
    Thank you to all!
    Applause (cheers)

  2. ping01191:03 AM

    벅수!!! 박수!!!!!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    Read that you'll be going Korea for Goong and Kyu's comeback. Enjoy!!!

  3. slimz18081:21 AM

    yeah! Goong is confirm but doubt we can make it to his CB .. CB details not out yet + we aren't ThanKYU members, probably would have problem getting tickets in ..
    but still i'm sure i will enjoy .. thanks ^^

  4. ping01194:06 AM

    They only give priority to ThanKYU members? :( Not that we don't wanna join.. but they don't allow foreigners staying overseas to join >.<
