
Thursday, September 22, 2011

[Vid] Young Saeng @ Ji Bin's 'Miracle Movie' Premier 09.17.11

Last Saturday, before Young Saeng went to give his support to Kyu Jong at the musical 'Goong' , he was seen at the movie premiere of the person he always love to 'bully' on Twitter, Park Ji Bin.

Wearing his trademark of short jacket, long tee, scarf, dark shades, jeans and sneakers Young Saeng gave a video message at the premier of Park Ji Bin's 'Miracle Movie' ["고래를찾는자전거"]

Here's a video of Young Saeng's message. Thanks to veggiedelight for the tip and to for uploading in YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:41 AM

    so handsome n yet maintain cute..heee..luv young saeng 4eva...
